Recipes for drinks? quick! (please...)?!

Question: Recipes for drinks!? quick! (please!.!.!.)!?
I want a chocolate martini, but i don't have any chocolate liqueur or flavored vodka (such as vanilla) any other recommendations!?

i have vodka and chocolate, in the form of ice cream or chocolate syrup!. and cookies and cream ice cream, which my husband recommended i add to a botched pina colada drink i tossed due to its disgustingness!.!.!.


well trying making chocolate milk, use some cream, the chocolate syrup and then add the vodka see what that taste like!.Or you what about some chocolat candy melt it in the microwave and spoon some in a chilled glass the pour the vodka over the chocolate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Martini's are actually shaken but considering u have chocolate ice cream and its solid!.!.use a blender!.
Scoop out some chocolate ice cream and and if u want a kick, 1 scoop of cookies n cream!. Then add vodka and blend!.

Pina colada will just give it a tarty taste which won't be too apealing!.

That should work!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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