Bad first time reaction to marijuana?!

Question: Bad first time reaction to marijuana!?
ok so i had a friend over with me last night who really wanted to smoke!.!.!.we smoked at like 10 at night and they said they hadn't had anything to eat since lunch time!.!.!.we took a couple hits out of a bowl (it wasn't that much)!.!.!.but after about 10 min my friend started saying how there body felt like it was wiggling side to side and shaking and they could feel there heart beating and they felt really hot!.!.!.like there body was full of hot water!.!.!.and so they laid down and just went to sleep!.!.!.but this was this persons first time doing it so i was wondering if its usual for a first timer to have a bad reaction (i remember i did my frist time)!.!.!.and i was also wondering if this person could do it again today without having a bad experience!?!?!.!.!.also it wasn't laced because i felt fineWww@FoodAQ@Com

First off, I hate it when people say weed is bad for you, when alcohol is so much worse!.

also, keep in mind that more people die from over the counter drugs, than illegal drugs!.

That being said, this is a normal reaction for a first time user!. They didn't know what to expect, and felt weird when it happened!. That's all!. He'll feel the same way today when you do it, but now that he's expecting it, it probably won't feel "bad"Www@FoodAQ@Com

dude, you know the answer, posting stuff like this makes it look bad, LEGALIZE MARIJUANA
but then again you said they just went to sleep, see no harm, some one who never got drunk before, sucks down a pint of whiskey could end up with alcohol poisoning and dieWww@FoodAQ@Com

HCP in weed is mild to some, allergic to others!.!.!.!. can mix poorly with different anti biotics, and anti-depressents!.

Everybody has various chemistry that make up their bodies!. So unless you're a chemist that has done studies on her body, I wouldn't 'test' weed on her!.

It's up to her to decide!.

Just know that yes, weed is an herb, but there are other things added to the herb that is not natural!. (doesn't mean it has to be laced with another mind altering drug) just means it's not pure leaf!.

So, smoke up if you like it, but don't give it to her!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Weed's not for everyone, man!. It's as simple as that!. When I was in high school one of my buddies would throw up everytime we smoked and he continued to still toke up with us, and I guess he built up a tolerance or something because he's still going strong with the stuff!. Frankly, I enjoyed it everytime!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

that happened to my brother and he thought i laced the weed because it wsnt his first time smoking!. we actually had to call an ambulance for him because his heart ws palputating!.!.!.they came and told him that he got himslef so worked up that he let the weed take over his mind!. he smoked again and was fine!.

we still abuse him about it LOLWww@FoodAQ@Com

That's very very very werid, I have smoked the ganja for years and never had a bad experience!. It was most likley physcoligical!. Next time but on some pink floyd tell your friend to chill and have them smoke again, i bet he'll love it :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

It sounded chemical, he could be allergic, good job you didn't send him to the hospital!. Anyone that takes medication it can interfere with it, and cause a bad reaction!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I had no reaction the first time!. maybe it is all mental, thinking that something bad is going to happen and then keep thinking about it over and over again!? put the bowl down and go get a job!Www@FoodAQ@Com

depends could be first time reaction or some people can't handle stuff like drugs and they react weird, although i would think first time

he/she just need to get used to it i supposeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Well I guess thats what your friend gets!. DON't smoke weed!. Its bad for you!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hugs not drugs XDWww@FoodAQ@Com

So!.!.!. the first time (and only time) I smoked, it was bad!.!.!. I had crazy paranoia, felt sick for the next couple days, and I crashed hard!. It all depends on people's bodies, with how they will react when you introduce a foreign substance into their systems!. Mine was ultra sensitive, and it sounds like your friend's was too!. I would recommend making sure your friend has some food in their stomach to help absorb and balance any substances, drink lots of water, and make sure they feel safe!. You never know how ppl will react, so it's a trial and error thing!. Just don't pressure your friend into doing it again if they don't want to!. Maybe don't use as much too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people react differently the first time they smoke b/c they don't know what to expect!. I've found that people who are more anxious or panicky have a harder time adjusting to marijuana!. It's not for everyone!.!. some people just can't hang!. I've seen people puke from smoking pot too!. which is weird!. lol!. But you got to remember, they take in a big hit which makes them cough their a** off, makes them hot and out of breath a little and then they're high!.!. so the combination may freak some people out!. After a few more tries though I'm sure they'll learn to love it and want it in their life everyday!. Keep your jobs and be responsible still folks, and stay high :-}Www@FoodAQ@Com

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