Lucid Absinthe?!

Question: Lucid Absinthe!?
Has anyone tried this brand yet as it is now legal to purchase absinthe in the US!? I am thinking of buying a bottle before my trip to visit a pal in Jersey in July and was wondering what other people thought of it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

While the alcohol content is high, it's diluted in the hallucinogenic category and is in no way comparable to European absinthe!. But, as far as what you can buy here, it's OK and tastes like a less potent version of the "real stuff"!.

It all depends on what you're used to!. If you've had it in other countries, this will not impress you, I fear!. But, better to have this than other brands!. Best wishes and I hope you have fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Aslong as you know the correct preperation of the drink u'll be fine!. Just youtube it!.!.!.if you don't kno!.

I've done it b4 there's like 2 or 3 different type's of absinthe!. I'm not sure which one I have, I just kno it was the clear one!. And it felt good wierd goin down, very sweet!. It had me buggin, notlike that movie "eurotrip" tho lol !. Pretty cool!! Go ahead!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you can find a bottle in your area you might invest in a bottle of Kubler Absinthe instead which is a much better quality brand and is also legal in the US!.


i have some that came from the check republic pretty good absinthe never tried lucid go for it who cares what anyone else thinks of your taste in absinthe if youre curious about this brand then buy it and judge for yourself peaceWww@FoodAQ@Com

St George or Kubler are better!. also La Fee is now available in New York!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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