How long would it last without refrigeration?!

Question: How long would it last without refrigeration!?
I'm talking like alcopops or vodka mixes like Lemon Ruskies or Vodka Cruisers!.
How long would they stay good without refrigeration!?

If you are buying them they should last pretty long sealed, though they may tasty a little off after a long time (>1yr)!.
If, on the other hand, you are mixing your own vodka drinks, they won't last too long!. If they are left unsealed they will begin to evaporate and alcohol evaporates much quicker than water and the drinks will therefore lose potency!. Additionally, the things you mix with vodka may not do so well themselves, even sealed mixed drinks don't tend to taste that well after they have been mixed and not drunk too soon afterward!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

forever, as long as they are unopened, opened not so long maybe a day or two, after that the alcohol will have evaporated, unless you seal it back up and place it in the fridgeWww@FoodAQ@Com

An open plain bottle of vodka lasts a long time and doesn't need to be in the fridge!. I drink it like this all the time and I am always fine!. I have mine for about 6 months!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unopened indefinitely
Opened, put into a bottle and seal and use in the next day or two!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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