Planning on getting drunk?!

Question: Planning on getting drunk!?
I was just wondering what kind of food i should eat for dinner!? What I should avoid eating tonight!? I dont want to throw up or anything so I was wondering what I should be eating!. also, is the saying "beer before liquor never been sicker" true!? PS!. I have been drunk many times before, just the last few times I havent had good experiences so I'm just wondering where I went wrong!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Anything you eat will be fine, you usually don't get sick by what you ate, its lack of hydration, drinking dehydrates the body, so drink plenty of water before going!. Sticking to one kind of drink is always the best idea, but doing a couple shooters isn't going to hurt, as long as you don't go overboard!. When you get back home, take an aspirin or Advil with a glass of water, this always help to minimize the hangover!. Have fun and be safe!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well!. If you dont eat then you will get drunk easily and it is likely that if you drink a lot you will throw up!. If you do eat however you will not get drunk as fast but can throw up depending on how much you drink!. What are you drinking anyways/!? if its something sweet it is more likely you will throw up!. and whiskey and vodka should not be taken all too fast necause you wont notice that your drunk and you will not remember what happened the next day!. hauhauha!. also I agree that you should keep drinking water!. IT HELPS!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think a big plate of pasta is good to reduce the affect of the alcohol!. Avoid lots of fatty meats and heavy cheese sauces!. Just simple pasta with red sauce and a touch of lean meat and veggies if you want!.

Have a glass of water or club soda along with your drinks!. Keep drinking the water while you are drinking the alcohol, or alternate the two!. Keeping yourself hydrated helps process alcohol!. It will also slow down your drinking a bit so you might be able to realize you've had "enough" before it's way too late!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

see now, when i drink beer either by itself or with other drinks throughout the night, i dont get sick!. the three times i've gotten sick, it was when i stuck to one drink (a few bottles of wine once, then vodka the next time, and half of the captain morgan last time) i think it's different for different people!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat something that you can chew down to nothing, so it doesn't hurt coming up! also, eat something absorbant, like a sandwich!. Don't eat too much!. Stick to one type of alcohol!. Don't mix wine or liquor with beer in either direction, but the statement is true enough!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eat rice or bread, it'll absord the alcohol!. And no flavors!. Flavored vodka is so sweet it makes you get a hangover!. Try Absolut, Skyy or Grey Goose or higher shelf vodkas with cran juice or something!. Drink water between drinks too!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you get drunk that is a very good indication that you drank too much!. When you feel tipsy you should stop!Www@FoodAQ@Com

when did you read for the last time a great classical romance !? Don't you have a council library !?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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