Could I Have Died?!

Question: Could I Have Died!?
I had my first experience with hard alcohol (80 proof) and consumed nearly 8 oz!. (maybe more!) of it plus a beer and some wine!. I weigh 160 lbs!., am 17, and before this had never gotten drunk!. The next morning I literally felt like I was dying!. 48 hours later, I have almost fully recovered, but I wonder, was I just freaking out, or was my life really in danger!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, it really depends on how fast you consumed them!. that's really only 4-5 shots of alcohol, plus beer and wine!. over several hours, that's not so bad!.!.!. but if you slammed them all in the first hour, then you could've been in danger!.

since you weren't throwing up that night, you probably weren't close to dieing!. usually when you get alcohol poisoning, your body tries to get the rest out of itself by making you throw up!.

what you had is a hang over!.!.!. it was probably that bad because it was your first time AND you mixed alcohols!. its always better to pick one thing and stick with it!. like only drink beer for the night!. also, after a night of drinking, your body gets dehydraded!.!. which is what causes the hangovers!. So, when you are drinking, always chug some water before bed!.

and remember!.!.!. beer before liquor gets you sicker, liquor before beer, you're in the clear!

i would give you the speech about how you are too young to drink, but I know you'll just do it anyway!. just remember though, people under 21 have a higher risk of developing alcoholism, and alcohol can cause serious damage to you brain and liver!. the risk for this damage is higher if you're under 21 as well because your body is still developing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The next morning, you wouldn't have to worry!. You had quite a bit to drink, but if you were going to die it would have happened the same night you were drinking!. It would have been alcohol poisoning!.

What you had was a hangover, which is basically dehydration!. Dehydration can be dangerous and I suppose you CAN die from that, but if you knew enough to keep yourself hydrated you weren't in risk of dying!. Especially if you weren't out in the sun or exerting yourself all day!.

Although I must say, I do believe you when you say that you felt like you were dying!Www@FoodAQ@Com

First of all, I am glad you felt like crap!. You have learned a vital life experience!. But to answer your question,No, 8oz!. of liquor,and a few beers, and some wine won't kill you!. Alcohol dehidrates your body and brain,that is why ya feel so bad the next day!. But yes a person can over drink there selves to death!. That mean that you are putting more alcohol into your system than your body can absorb at one time!. It takes your body 1 hour to absorb a 12 oz!. beer or one shot of 80 proof liquor!. If you drink more than that in an hour, it takes longer for your system to catch up to that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Been there, done that!. Except I doubled up on the hard liquor!. (185 lbs)!. And I ended up really sick all night!.

BTW, mixing hard liquor and wine isn't a good idea!. That's how I got sick the first time!. I had much less vodka than the other time I mentioned, and maybe a half bottle of wine!. Anyways, I shouldn't have been so sick!.!.!. but I was!.

Most alcohol poisoning deaths happen because they didn't puke, passed out and choked on their puke!. Kinda awesome, isn't it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

5 shots of 80 proof liquor + beer + wine is a lot of alcohol!. But it sounds like you just had a hangover from hell as opposed to risking alcohol poisoning*!. You'll learn your limits in time!.

*Alcohol poisoning really can kill you, so learn about it from an unbiased source!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, it would take you a lot more to die!. The reason you feel so bad is that you mixed your alocohols!. If your going to drink stick to one thing either wine, beer or hard alcohol!. When you mix them, you are just asking for trouble the next morning!. also drink some water before you go to sleep, that will helpWww@FoodAQ@Com

Poor old you!. Yes you will survive, at the moment you probably wish you wouldn't though!. It happens to the best of us and I, for one, could never face another Pimm's in my life because of the painful memories around my first encounter with alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You were in so much danger!.!.Danger of being caught and thrown into jail!.!. Too bad it didnt happen!.!.Perhaps then you'd learn a lesson!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com



danger plez be careful with ur alcohol intake u can lose ur life easily!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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