What does it feel like when your drunk??!

Question: What does it feel like when your drunk!?!?
i heard it feels awsome
i also want to know how can you tell if ur tipsy and how can you tell if your drunk!?
and which do you think feels better!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends!. There are stages!.

Sounds get muffled, your body feels loose and tingly, but your face feels really hot!.

Latter stages you start to feel down about everything, but I think the loose feeling in your body makes you feel like you can allow yourself to drown in sorrow!.

After that stage comes the big stomach and all-over body ache!. You feel so in pain that you willingly throw-up!. It becomes hard to stand because you feel, not dizzy, but weak and severely tired!. I discourage getting to this very dangerous stage of drunkenness!. I only do it because my life is a life of depression!. I'm Asian so people love it when I'm in despair, and the government allows that and pays people to perpetuate it!. So, I have no choice but to drink to severe limits!.

"Katie W's" description is a creative but fictitious look at drunkenness!.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does NOT make a beverage taste better!. No addiction to alcohol is without its emotional cause to it!. There is no human on earth that would get drunk without a reason!. There is an underlying torment inside that they may be too proud to admit, especially the hardcore people with tattoos!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's not as awesome as pot or cocaine, btw don't do coke its bad for you!.
At first you get a little light headed and it feels funny and everything around you seems funny, thats tipsy!. You are aware of everything around you but then when you get drunk you feel invincible like you can do anything or say anything, but you still feel a little dizzy, and tired, everything still seems funny, but if you are alone you might become depressed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The line between drunk and tipsy can vary by person!. When tipsy, you can feel warm, think that you can dance, laugh more at things that were never really funny to begin with, and become more daring!. When you are drunk, you may feel like a frog in a blender, believe you are the world's greatest dancer, laugh for no apparent reason several minutes after something not even remotely funny has been said and do really dumb things that "seemed" cool at the time!. When you are drunk, you may get "the spins"-when you lay down everything spins or seems to!. Some people like feeling drunk or tipsy!. I would say tipsy is better, being that you have more control, therefore more choices for yourself!. If you have the desire to experience being tipsy or drunk-start out slow! Drinking too much too fast will cause you to be sick and have a hang over the next day!. Don't forget! If you plan to drink, be somewhere where no one has to drive!. Buzzed driving is the same as drunk driving!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sometimes it feels awesome, sometimes it doesn't!. The line between tipsy and drunk can be hard to determine!. When I'm drunk, I tend to find everything very funny, want to philosophize about life, am more physically affectionate than I usually am, am less inhibited, and may get nostalgic!. Sometimes I get physically ill if I drink too much--which obviously isn't any fun at all!. My body sometimes starts to feel different--kind of warm and tingly!. While I do enjoy drinking to some extent, sometimes I feel embarrassed the next day, wondering how stupid I acted the night before!. Sometimes I am hung over too, which isn't any fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tipsy feels like you are pretty relaxed and loose but you still are basically sober and drunk is when you start feelin good you get realllly relaxed talk a lot more then you normally would saying things that dont make a lot of sense and saying and doing things you would not when you are sober!. You feel great lightheaded and being drunk is an awesome feeling!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This is about the best summary I've found online!. I don't know who wrote it originally!.

The 5 Stages of Being Drunk

Stage 1 - SMART
This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject in the known Universe!. You know everything and want to pass on your knowledge to anyone who will listen!.At this stage you are always RIGHT!. And of course the person you are talking to is very WRONG!. This makes for an interesting argument when both parties are SMART!.

This is when you realize that you are the BEST LOOKING person in the entire bar and that people fancy you!. You can go up to a perfect stranger knowing they fancy you and really want to talk to you!. Bear in mind that you are still SMART, so you can talk to this person about any subject under the sun!.

Stage 3 - RICH
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world!. You can buy drinks for the entire bar because you have an armoured truck full of money parked behind the bar!. You can also make bets at this stage, because of course; you are still SMART, so naturally you will win all your bets!. It doesn't matter how much you bet 'cos you are RICH!. You will also buy drinks for everyone that you fancy, because now you are the BEST LOOKING person in the world!.

You are now ready to pick fights with anyone and everyone especially those with whom you have been betting or arguing!. This is because nothing can hurt you!. At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge to a battle of wits or money!. You have no fear of losing this battle because you are SMART, you are RICH and hell, you're BETTER LOOKING than they are anyway!

This is the Final Stage of Drunkenness!.
At this point you can do anything because NO ONE CAN SEE YOU!. You dance on a table to impress the people who you fancy because the rest of the people in the room cannot see you!. You are also invisible to the person who wants to fight you!.
You can walk through the street singing at the top of your lungs because no one can see or hear you and because you're still SMART you know all the words!.

!.!.!.!.followed by!.!.!.!.
The 5 Stages of Sobering Up

Stage 1 - STUPID

As you regain consciousness and begin to enjoy the headache, the churning stomach and the cold sweats, you realise that you have lost not only several hours of your life but also the ability to concentrate on anything whatsoever!. You are now STUPID and will remain so for a minimum of 12 hours!.

Stage 2 - UGLY

Never entirely happy with the effects of the bathroom mirror first
thing you are horrified to discover that you have now become even UGLIER than you previously thought possible!. Not only have you bloodshot eyes and a glorious collection of spots but you are shaking so much that your grandfather probably looks healthier!. Unfortunately you are still too STUPID to know better than to try and shave whilst shaking!.

Stage 3 - POOR

Having crawled out of bed and got dressed you are about to shamble out the door when you discover that the money that was to last you the week is now missing from your wallet!. Being STUPID, you have no idea what happened to it but the traces of curry on your clothes allow the possibility that you might have treated everyone to a takeaway at somepoint!. Alternatively your pocket could have been picked or you might have given the taxi driver a fifty pound note by mistake!. Rationalising that you couldn't possibly have been that STUPID and that you would remember being robbed, you come to believe that you were the only one who bought any food or drinks all night and start to loathe all your friends!.

Stage 4 - FRAGILE

As you are now STUPID, UGLY and POOR, your consequently FRAGILE self-esteem plummets!. Your already FRAGILE physical condition ensures that you feel liable to shatter if anyone even speaks to you!.


This is the final stage of sobering up!. Unfortunately, everyone can spot this CONSPICUOUS condition and its cause from a great distance!. Even worse, they know that they can complete your misery by making fun of you, and that you are too STUPID to retaliate, too FRAGILE to hit them, too POOR to bribe them and too UGLY to hide!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When I drink I first notice that I feel hot (not sexy hot, but literally, warm hot)!. Then I start to notice I'm talking more than I normally do!. If you stand up fast you may notice you feel a little lightheaded or tipsy!. Even when I get really really drunk I am not that much different than normal but those are the biggest things I notice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it feels like peeing when you first wake up!.!.!.!.!.soooo goooood!.

you can tell when you're tipsy because you feel light headed and feel like you're having the time of your life even though you may be hanging out by yourself in the kitchen reading a cook book!.

when you're drunk you feel like you can talk to anyone and accomplish anything (buy you probably can't)!.

i prefer being tipsy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

alcohol is addictive, seriously it causes harmful addictions, so heads up! it is like a mind massage!. Well it take around a half an hour for it to start to come to effect, so take your time, there is no need to become super wasted!. with everything moving, it is hard to remember what happens when you are really drunk!. Whatever you do always have trustworthy friends!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Basically you lose motor control which means that your muscles do not exactly follow or react as quickly as your brain wants them to!. Your brain also slows down and even your eyes seem to 'trail'!. It can feel good and for some people it can feel scary not having that control!.

The 'feeling good' part comes because of its sedative properties!. It will make you feel relaxed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

when im drunk i just get kinda dissoriented and i cant think straight, and i stumble around a bit!.!.!.well a lot!. tipsy is like just bein a little drunk, like youve only drank a little!. when im tipsy im just a lil tired and kinda slow!. if your drunk your prolly stumblin and messin up your words!. dont drive drunk!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it just depends how ur body takes the alcohol!. it different with everyone!. when ur tipsy u start to slur when you talk and you feel silly!. but then again other people act more calm and talkative!. and being drunk is better than tipsy cuz u get to act a fool and you can always say the next morning that u were drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think its horrible!. first of all you are sick to the stomach!. you throw up alot and heave dry heaves!. its unpleasant!. its not great and being high does not last long cause you always get more and then the trouble really starts!. you feel sick the next day depending on what you drank and sometimes it can take couple days to feel better!. its not good and i would think you would not want to be this way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its different for everybody!. i get hot, like physically, and it feels like im moving in slow-motion!. i mean its typically not something i do for recreation so i mean i dont think its awesome!.!.!.sometimes it leads to ur body punishing you!.!.!.thats not too fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Every person acts differently when they start to get a "buzz"
The best is when you can tell your head seems light headed!. If things around you start to get dizzy or your mood has changed then you might start to get tipsy!. Again drink responsiblyWww@FoodAQ@Com

1 - 2 drinks is tipsy!. More if you're an alcoholic!.
Feeling tipsy vs feeling drunk is analogous to being in control and being out of control, respectively!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Drunkeness is bliss!. You'll forget everything after it happens and be totally oblivious!. Drunk > tipsy because when tipsy you still know what's going on and have more control of yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My best friend's British (lived in England) stepmom said it feels like getting on a really fast rollercoaster alot and feeling lightheaded and throwing up!. Not a good feeling!. Just dizzy and ughhhh!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your senses feel altered and sometimes if I am really drunk, the room spins and that's the worst feeling because barfing is not far away!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It feels different for different people!.!.!.most people like it but some people really don't!.

Personally I prefer being tipsy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It always feels good for me!. Just get a little drunk and find out for yourself :D!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


it feel awesomeWww@FoodAQ@Com

feels like right nowWww@FoodAQ@Com

why dont you get drunk and find out!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I get dizzy when drink too fast!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

go ask bush's offspringWww@FoodAQ@Com

you feel stupid and you look stupid and you act stupid!.!.!.!.i don't advise either one!.!.!.!.!.it's just plain stupidWww@FoodAQ@Com

it feel awsone but wen u smoke weed to its f*****g amazamzaing 420 for lifeWww@FoodAQ@Com

like nothing else matters!.!.!.time sits still and you dont know where u are!.!.!.oh wait!.!.i think im describing weed haha jkWww@FoodAQ@Com

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