Is drinking two cans of beer(24oz) considered moderation?!

Question: Is drinking two cans of beer(24oz) considered moderation!?
I heard that beer is good for you if you drink it in moderation!.!.!. how about 2 cans a night!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

24 oz!. of beer is a moderate amount!. I don't think it is necessarily good for you across the board, though, I think it depends on the type of beer!.

I believe a lot of the beneficial nutrients are from hops!. I've also heard that darker beers have additional benefits!. That means water beers made largely of corn and rice, like your Buds, Coors, and Millers, probably aren't going to cut it and have any health benefits!. Any way you look at it, though, 24 oz!. of beer is a moderate amount for an average sized male!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do you mean two 24oz cans (=48oz), or two 12oz cans (=24oz)!?

Either way, I would consider this to be a moderate level of beer consumption!. It's a pretty normal level of consumption for someone who likes beer!. I don't know if it's good for you but it certainly isn't going to kill ya!.

If you were putting away two bottles of wine, or a bottle of vodka every night then that might be considered less than moderate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I believe the more beneficial alcohol is red wine!. A glass of red wine, 3-4 oz!., is supposed to help clean out your system, liver, kidneys, stuff like that!. 48 oz!.'s of beer a night is not only bad for you but will eventually lead to 72 oz!.'s then 96 oz!.'s, so on and so forth!. If you are drinking to be healthy, you should probably just check into rehab right now!.

See you there!Www@FoodAQ@Com

2 cans a night!? isnt that a bit too often!? geez drinking is stupid!. what, can you not drink normal drinks, like grape juice!? or milk!? or water!? to satisfy your needs!.


Yes -- provided you drink them over a four-hour period!. This will allow your body enough time to metabolize the alcohol -- and keep your blood-alcohol level under manageable limits!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That's a good amount!. The less processed stuff is better for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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