Seriously, folks, what makes "girl drinks" so "wrong" for men to drink?!

Question: Seriously, folks, what makes "girl drinks" so "wrong" for men to drink!?
Do men drink fruit punch!? Yes!. Apple juice!. Yes!. Beer!? Yes!.

So why do some people feel that it's *odd* for men to drink, for example, Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Silver, Parrot Bay, and so on!? I know that many of us have a "to each his own" mentality, and that's great!. But why do some of us get (or even give) side glances to others simply based on a flavor preference!?

Hopefully I don't sound defensive, as I don't intend it that way !. !. !. I'm still going to drink what I like based on flavor!. Just want to get where the whole concept comes from!.

Thanks all!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think the adjective "girl" is what makes "girl drinks" so wrong for men!.

I'd say the worst aspect is actually the marketing and not the drink itself!. Smirnoff Ice is targeted towards women, so in a lot of ways the consumer is buying the image and not the product!. That's why if you don't fit the image but you have one in your hand, people may think you less of a man!. The same way Nike doesn't even say "our sneakers will make you better" anymore, instead they put out an image hope you buy into that!. It's all brand, or in this case product, image!.

Drink what you like, though!.

Woodchuck makes some good ciders!. Ever try their Pear Cider!? That one's my favorite!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think there is absolutely anything wrong with drinking any of the aforementioned drinks, but I believe its more about where you drink what!.

If you went into joint that breeds hardcore alcoholics and ordered a fruit punch, it might be odd!. And mind you, its not anyone who you get looks from, its most likely the regulars who first of all are looking at you coz you're new and next coz you have just ordered a fruit punch :)

On another angle, a fruit punch / sweet / flavoured drinks are usually associated to women since!.!.!. its sweet / mild and healthy (fruitpunch)!.

Hopefully that answered your question!. I had the same question a few years ago and these were my findings :)


In terms of the cultural reasons for this kind of thinking, I think the guy had it right who said the sweet drinks were like candy, meant to make willing or vulnerable girls easy!.

As for me, I think that's absolutely disgusting, and it points to why I'm so put off by the whole drinking culture!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've always wondered this myself!. I like margarita's!.!.!.are those considered girly!? also, if I'm offered a Smirnoff!.!.!.I'm not going to deny it just because I'm a guy!. I love fruity tastes!.!.!.I also like beer!. I like most alcoholic beverages!. I always hated this stereotype!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Who gives a sh--!?!? You are you and you should drink what you like!. Screw what anyone else has to say!. You are You, You don't have to explain anything to anyone!.!!! Ask them why their drinking what ever they are drinking!?!?!? Different strokes for different Folks!?!?!? CHERRRRS!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Apparently it's not considered masculine for a guy to drink something that's sweet or colorful!.

Frankly I think guys worry too much about masculinity!. Nothing turns me on faster than my husband doing housework ;-)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, my friend, drinking this girls drinks is fine for a man to do so long as he's homosexual!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Real men drink either hard staright drinks or mixed with soda (Seven and seven, screwdrivewrs, Cuba Libre), not something "foo-foo" like a grasshopper or a scorpio risingWww@FoodAQ@Com

it's the whole "macho man" kind of thing!. men are "supposed to" drink "manly" looking/sounding drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

because "girl drinks" are for *******, girls, gay people
the only time i have ever accepted it is JD from scrubs drinking appletiniesWww@FoodAQ@Com

Sure, to each his or her own-- which is why I always belly up to the bar in my spike heels and slam down shot glasses of Stroh Rum 160 with little umbrellas in them!. This satisfies both my masculine and feminine side!. Keeps all the would be mashers at arms length, too---remember Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct!? heh heh!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know, but somehow whiskey sounds more manly than an appletiniWww@FoodAQ@Com

if you are paying for it you should drink whatever the f@#$ you want!.
(except for a fuzzy navel - that is too girlie)Www@FoodAQ@Com

you must be a repressed homosexualWww@FoodAQ@Com

B ecause to some you appear to be soft/sweet, instead of moncho/rugged!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Blessings YahooWww@FoodAQ@Com

Oh whatever! I totally agree with the question asker!. All you guys claiming that apple-tinis are for girly men are full of $hit!. Period!.

I actually had a bottle of "apple-tini" at a party I went to!. It was strong stuff!. Of course, the guys didn't believe me because it was a "fruity" drink!. So I dared one to chug it if it was so weak!. He did!. And let me tell you, he was so drunk he couldn't even walk straight and vomited in his clothes bin because he thought he was in the bathroom!.

Another one had some and reached his limit before he even got to the bottom of his mug!. LOL lightweights!. Both had hangovers the next morning and spent the night vomiting!.

Personally, I felt refreshed!. Maybe that's why it's a girly drink!? I don't know!. But the main ones claiming that the apple-tinis are too weak are the same ones vomiting on the sidewalk because they can't hold their liquor!. Sounds like insecurity to me!.

From then on, we called the "green stuff" (apple-tini) Kryptonite lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because girl drinks were invented to get girls drunk quick, and to a point where their inhibitions are so low, that they will let you f**k them in the a$$ (on most girls, the most forbidden zone ever)!.

So, if you're a guy, that drinks them, it is so you will get so drunk, without inhibitions, to the point that you will let another guy, f**k you in the a$$ (on most guys, the most forbidden zone even more so)!.

So, removing all social roles like male or female, "chick" drinks are just a way to get someone drunk on candy tasting beverages, so you can have sex with them!. That is why it is wrong for men to drink them!. Because it is always better to be the pitcher than the catcher!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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