WIll I get a hangover? ***BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS?!
ive never had any alcoholic drinks before but tonight im planning on drinking vodka!.!.!. at least 5 shots!. im going to get completely drunk!. im going to take chaser and a multivitamin and try to drink lots of water!? will i get a hangover the next day!? and if i do how long should it last for!? serious answers only please!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you've never had alcoholic drinks before, please let me suggest mixed drinks rather than shots of straight vodka!. Don't get me wrong, I love myself some vodka, even straight, but it took a while to get to the point where I liked the taste!.
Five shots will probably not get you "completely drunk" unless you drink them all in the space of an hour!. Your body processed alcohol one shot per hour (or one bottled beer, or one glass of wine, or one mixed drink)!. Any more than that goes into your bloodstream and gives you that "buzz!." If you're going to do it, know what you're doing first!. More than five shots in an hour will probably make you sick!. I suggest giving yourself 15-minutes between shots to let your body decide if it can take another!.
As far as your hangover worries, you're multivitamin and "chaser" will help a little!. The water, however, will help the most!. Hangovers happen because the body is depleted of water!. Drink plenty of water before doing your shots and before you go to bed!. The next morning if you're hung over, it could last a few hours!. It depends on the individual!. Eat breakfast, drink water and orange juice, and pee often (that's how your body rids itself of alcohol)!.
Have fun, be safe, and good luck the next morning!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Five shots will probably not get you "completely drunk" unless you drink them all in the space of an hour!. Your body processed alcohol one shot per hour (or one bottled beer, or one glass of wine, or one mixed drink)!. Any more than that goes into your bloodstream and gives you that "buzz!." If you're going to do it, know what you're doing first!. More than five shots in an hour will probably make you sick!. I suggest giving yourself 15-minutes between shots to let your body decide if it can take another!.
As far as your hangover worries, you're multivitamin and "chaser" will help a little!. The water, however, will help the most!. Hangovers happen because the body is depleted of water!. Drink plenty of water before doing your shots and before you go to bed!. The next morning if you're hung over, it could last a few hours!. It depends on the individual!. Eat breakfast, drink water and orange juice, and pee often (that's how your body rids itself of alcohol)!.
Have fun, be safe, and good luck the next morning!Www@FoodAQ@Com
At 5'7" and 120!? And having never had a drink before!? Yeah, you'll probably have a hangover in the morning!. Here's what my husband has always told me about vodka: If you drink it while standing up, stay standing up!. If you drink it while sitting down, stay sitting down!. If you change position, you WILL throw up!.
The multivitamin won't help at all, but drinkin plenty of water will, and EAT! Anything but gummy bears/worms/etc!. Gummy candy just absorbs the alcahol and then slowly releases it back into your system, getting you drunk all over again (hubby experienced this in Germany)!. But eat anything else!. Drinking on a full stomach will definately help reduce your chances of a hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The multivitamin won't help at all, but drinkin plenty of water will, and EAT! Anything but gummy bears/worms/etc!. Gummy candy just absorbs the alcahol and then slowly releases it back into your system, getting you drunk all over again (hubby experienced this in Germany)!. But eat anything else!. Drinking on a full stomach will definately help reduce your chances of a hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Aggg!. You are correct to drink lots of water thats importanr!. Do NOT drink mixed drinks or 'girls drinks' sugar is the worst offender for a hangover!. also if you are drinking all night have a meal before you go home!. I used to have a complete greek diner dinner (eggs, bacon and/or sausage, home fries toast) before sleep and still got to work in the morning!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I find sleep the biggest solution for a hangover!. If i go to bed at a good hour and get a decent sleep I wake up fine!. also I try and avoid alchoholic drinks made from or with sugar and preservitaves!. Basically this limits me to German beer and white spirits!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you feel like crap before you knock out or you just pass out chances are your going to have a hangover!. If you take 5 shorts and your still going to continue to drink than your going probley going to have a hangover!. Have a great time!Www@FoodAQ@Com
make sure it's good vodka-ketel,grey goose,absolut-DO NOT DRINK SMIRNOFF-drink alot of water when you get home-if it;s your first time try to stick to 5-10at the most!.
you should be fine if you keep away from cheap vodka!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
you should be fine if you keep away from cheap vodka!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
age /size matter
also you never had any alcohol !?
no one can tell you if you will or won't have a hangover
it's the individual that's finds out
and you will or won't
that's honestyWww@FoodAQ@Com
also you never had any alcohol !?
no one can tell you if you will or won't have a hangover
it's the individual that's finds out
and you will or won't
that's honestyWww@FoodAQ@Com
First time drinking, start slowly!. Five shots is more than plenty!. You are more than likely to embarrass yourself!.!.!. Upchucking in public is not very attractive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
your gonna get wasted, n yea you'll feel like hell the next morning, especially since this is you first time drinking,
HAVE FUN :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
HAVE FUN :)Www@FoodAQ@Com
You are young so if you drink enough water and stuff you will probably be ok!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Don't mix your mixed drink!. Stay with the same drink!.
If you take any pills their will be disaster!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
If you take any pills their will be disaster!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
gurl u ll get a hangover that night and it should take at least a day in a halfWww@FoodAQ@Com