Why dont I get hangovers?!
I had 4 ciders and a vodka about 4 wks ago an got pi$$ed, puke 3 times but I didn't have a hangover the next morning!. 2wks later I got pi$$ed agen from 4 ciders and puked once and agen didn't get a hangover!. Why didn't I get any hangovers!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
u peed and puked a lot so it dint go thru your system!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
When u drink and puke, all of the alcohol is being thrown out of ur system when u puke cuz u r puking all the alcohol out!. Hangovers are when u wake up the next morning and most of the alcohol is still in ur system cuz u either haven't peed it out or puked!. If u wanna have a hangover, get super drunk but don't over do it!. Try not to puke!. Pee when u need to cuz u don't want ur bladder to explode!. Passout and then u wake up with a beautiful thing called hangover!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Usually if you puke it up you won't have much of a hangover in the morning!. If you were not puking up and it was staying in your system then you may have a hangover!. Some people just don't get hangovers ever, I rarely do!. Have to drink alot to!.!.!.like 6 long islands and 4 shots of dr!. Consider yourself lucky but be careful!!!! The alcohol is still hurting your system!.Www@FoodAQ@Com