About to go drinking and havent eatan all day?!

Question: About to go drinking and havent eatan all day!?
i havent eatan all day!.!.not much of an appetite these days!.

i don't want to get sick and throw up (has happened before)

what type of food should i eat before i drink and how long should i wait before i drinkWww@FoodAQ@Com

Sandwiches with meat, greasy food, carbs, pasta bread, etc, potatoes all sound good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I agree with Cutie, but as an 'old lady', I realize you won't listen to us!.!.!.!.!.but I've been there, so I know!. Make sure you eat before drinking!. Eat lots of carbs, especially bread!. I think the bread absorbs some of the alcohol so it doesn't get into your bloodstream as quickly!. I've also found greasy foods help too!. Keep in mind that alcohol dehydrates you, so drink water in between drinks!.!.!.no, water WITH the booze doesn't count!. also, eat while drinking, a sandwich with that drink will help dilute and slow down the absorption rate!. That's why bars offer "happy-hour" appetizers, so you can eat while you drink and not get so drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you have gotten sick and threw up before, why do you want to subject yourself to that misery!? If you are not eating much and need to go out and drink, it sounds like the beginning stages of being an alcoholic!. Sober people enjoy life more and is enjoyable!. Alcoholics are miserable and non-content!. At least, eat a light meal before drinking, if you must!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't drink at all and eat something light and spend the night watching good movies in bed and have fun! drinking just changes your mental status! It's a choice to deal with reality and face your problems or you can run and hurt everyone around you!. Don't drink, please!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't eat before!. Drink lighter than you would usually do!. And most importantly, have some Chinese food at the end of the night!. This probably doesn't qualify as helpful advice, but it always makes ME feel better! :) Enjoy your youth! :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

The food that best absorbes alcohol is meat!. Some think it is starch like bread and potatoes but actually it doesn't help at all!. Eat some meat!. Oh!.!.!.and don't drink and drive!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pizza, double cheese!. The olive oil puts a nice coating on your stomach, and the cheese makes the booze fight it's way thru!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

eat something small that will soak up the liquor like beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

if you can't spell when you are sober then you might actually be able to spell better wilst drunk!. -blureyWww@FoodAQ@Com

if i dont eat all day what i usually do is eat something light like a snack or 2 that way u dont feel full and u wont have any room for drinkingWww@FoodAQ@Com

Eat a loaded baked potatoWww@FoodAQ@Com

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