What is your drinking limit?!

Question: What is your drinking limit!?
How much can you drink without feeling sick later on!? can you drink someone under the table, or one beer is more than enough!?
Thanks Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have drank a 12 pack before and not felt sick or hungover the next day!. Some of you may consider me a lush!.!.!.haha!.
I don't think I have ever been drunk of one beer!.!.!.!.I was doomed from the start!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Irish and German!. ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

After five shots of whiskey I have a pretty good buzz going on!. As for my limit, I know I shouldn't have more than eight simply due to the effect on my liver!.

I have never had a hangover drinking whiskey or scotch!. Not even once!. Even after consuming a whole bottle or two of it; which I have done now on two occasions (both times because I lost someone I loved dearly; being devastated and heartbroken I drank way too much!.) I still didn't feel sick as a result of the liquor!. Sick with grief, yes, sick because I fell down and hit my head, yes!.!.!. but not because the whiskey!.

Only hangovers I've had was when I tried drinking wine or mixed drinks!. So I avoid "girly drinks" like the plague!. Beer, I can drink all night long and not get wasted on it; so its a pretty safe drink for me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

15ish shots and 3 drinks maybe lol!.
Or!.!.!. about 6 shots and 8 drinks lol
^^ That gets me feeling ill!.!.!. espec the nezt day!.!.!.!. 2shots and a drink less and i'll be fine lol!. Just mega pissed! lol

depends on measures, what i drink, if i mix drinks, timespan, and if drinking with lemonade or coke which fills me up and maes me feel ill lol!.In relation to beer i couldnt say because its rank! lol!. Can drink a lot of people under the table!.!.!. but then again a lot visa versa lol

it depends on your alcohol tolerance!. if i take 5 shots or more all at once, it all hits me in a little bit at one time, and i get drunk!. but if i space it out, i can take about 7 or 8 of vodka!. one glass of 42% cognac and im good to go!. 6 pack of beer is good too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i can drink liqour or beer till i pass out and not feel hungover, but its the coolers and cocktails with all the sugar and crap that's what i find makes me hungover so i dont drink em!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I can drink many people under the table at once actually!. I have such a high tolerance!. Once I blew a 22!.0 and I was still fresh!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

WITHOUT feeling sick!? the next day!?

Well I can drink about 3/4 of a bottle of vodka, and then later on start feeling sick, so maybe 1/2 a bottle is good =DWww@FoodAQ@Com

beers=8 cans im drunk
alchohol=7 shots im drunk
everyone is different!. because some have high tolerance and some are really lowWww@FoodAQ@Com

wine= a bottle
Jack Daniels & Coke=7 Glasses
Alcopops=I can drink bottles of the stuff and it wont even touch me!.
I dont tend to drink beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Used to be 5 bottles of Bud (the good stuff)
Now, I can have 7 drinks easilyWww@FoodAQ@Com

3 shots of 151 im good to go
4 rounds of beer pong im good to goWww@FoodAQ@Com

1 40 oz of st idez have me tore up!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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