We've begun to collect blueberries and need to know how many are needed for to make a bottle of wine?!

Question: We've begun to collect blueberries and need to know how many are needed for to make a bottle of wine!?
We seem to have an unlimited supply, as long as the season holds of course and thought that after the pie making and freezing we should try to make some wine or spirit from them as well but have no idea how many it takes to create a bottle or two, or maybe a few! Regular size bottles are 750 mil!. so how many do we need to get a gallon (4 litre aprox!.) of juice!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Start with two five gallon buckets full of blueberries, if this isn't enough (probably won't be) then get more!. also if you are wanting to juice them without the hulls being left in there, I would suggest making an old fashioned juicer!. Supplies you will need: Plastic Kids Pool, Garden Hose, Cheese clothe, and super glue or gorilla glue

Cut a small hole (1/2inch diameter) in the bottom crease of the side of the Plastic Kids Pool!.
Cut Garden Hose to be 4 feet long, make sure you take off the metal ends!. Boil a Large pot of water and dip your 4 foot garden hose in the pot to sanitize it!.
Then wrap one layer of cheese clothe on one end of the garden hose and slide that end inside the hole that you made on the Plastic Kids Pool then glue the hose in place so that none of the juice can leak out around it!.
Guide your hose to end into a large bucket or bowl, then pour your berries into the plastic kids pool!. SANITIZE your feet by bathing them and either wrapping them in plastic wrap or using hand sanitizer on them!. Then have fun stomping the berries, just make sure someone stays by the hose to make sure everything is working properly!. Www@FoodAQ@Com


blueberry wine recipesWww@FoodAQ@Com

man, before you start trying to make any wine you need to know about the basics of wine making first!.

there's resources online, find them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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