Mean drunks why?????!
whats up with Mean Drunks!? why do some people become angry while drunk, while others are happy!? is this there TRUE personality or just how they REALLY feel!? a close freind of mine is normally laughing/cracking jokes, and never gets really angry while when his drunk he starts fights with random people, WHY!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
first of all race is an issue and you are a moron for saying otherwise there is a reason that jewish and Italian(just a few examples) have almost no alcoholics compared with other races!. those groups have had alcohol in there societies much longer than say for example native americans or other peoples who have only recently been introduced to alcohol(like 5 or 6 hundred years) so the longer a society has been exposed to alcohol means that by natural selection the genes of the people who have had problems have largely been removed from the gene pool, and to answer the question it has to do with the way alcohol reacts with a persons brainWww@FoodAQ@Com
I asked the same questions alittle while ago!.!.!. I just got the answers that most people are just able to control themselves when they sober and obviously they know that they shouldnt act out in a violent behavior!.!.!. but when alcohol is in the mixture they arent thinking clearly and they act out how they really would if they were sober!. When i get drunk im more out going and happy and just say things that i wish i could say when i was sober but im to shy!.!.!. i have never got mad before, if anything i let things go more easily cause i just dont care!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I can't believe that someone would suggest that other races have different brains, obviously this person has NO brains!. Anyways alcohol is a drug and it affects people in different ways!. Usually the mean drunks are mean because they have consumed way too much!. Some people have repressed feelings or anger issues that come out when the alcohol lowers their inhibitions!. Some people are instant as*holes, just add alcohol!.
So according to the other answer italians and Jews are of another race!? we are the human race, and your therory of natural selection doesn't hold water!. The German culture has huge problems with alcoholism and they have been drinking for centuries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
So according to the other answer italians and Jews are of another race!? we are the human race, and your therory of natural selection doesn't hold water!. The German culture has huge problems with alcoholism and they have been drinking for centuries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Its simple really!. Chemically peoples brains are different!. Some cant handle it the same way others can!. Not their true personality at all!. Certain cases yes!. Like an angry prick sober is probably going to be that way drunk too!. This is even true with races!. Some races cant handle alcohol the same as another because different brains
When im drunk im very happy!. But i hate angry drunks who try to fight or do something stupid!. Every one recacts different with drugs and drinking when im not drunk im mad!. So if he's not angry ehen he's not drunk and he's mad when he is he just reacts different with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com