Am I an addict? Help with drugs/alcohol.?!

Question: Am I an addict!? Help with drugs/alcohol!.!?
Every time i think about a party or the possibility of a party, i think about getting drunk and doing loads of drugs and then all i want to do is get drunk and high!. i have these thoughts even when I'm alone!. i am 16 yrs old!.

i have a small hidden safe in my room, it contains a flask of vodka, 4 packets of cigarettes and an array of drugs including ecstasy and cocaine!. i am telling the truth!.

i spend 100% of my time thinking about when i can next have a cig or a pill!.

every party i go to i get horribly drunk and out of control, my friends think its funny but the good friends are a bit worried!.

i feel as if i want to spend my life at a never ending party where there are loads of drugs and women and it never ends!.

i suppose i am somewhat addicted and am experiencing withdrawal, but what should i do!?!? i scared cos idon'tt what to become a full on drug addict and spend my life doing drugs!.

i think this has gone on past teenage experimentation and i feel like i cant stop!.

what can i do!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Poppet I don't know how long you have been dabbling like this!.
What I do know is,if you are getting withdrawal's you must see your Doctor to help you!. Stopping alcohol or/and drugs after using for a while can be dangerous, you need to have medical help to wean you off them!.
I Think that in this Day and age it is very sad that so many are finding these addictions a source of recreational pleasure!.
I won't go into detail, though I hope this might Help you:
For 35 Years I had been an alcoholic and user!.
Just over two Years ago I stopped, with medical help!.
I had lived on the Streets hiding in the darkest shadows
and Know the meaning of Hell!. I clawed my way back,
miraculously, and Today am very successful in what I do!. I nearly died on a few occasions, but Someone along the way was with me,Some may say God, I have my own beliefs!. Please Sweetheart, you have asked for help here, admitted you have a problem therefore you have already made a step to recovery!. Do whatever it takes Poppet,but talk to someone, see your Doctor and
Stop NOW! before it is too late!.
I wish you well on your journey, and If I can do it so can you!. Thinking of you Poppet!.Good Luck!.xWww@FoodAQ@Com

Unfortunately you will have to stop and go thru at least some withdrawl!. Get in Bed and sweat it out, chew gum, or when you think of the drugs, watch Tv or read it will take some ffort, but you can do it, but you have to want to!. Nothing wrong witha drink or 2 at a parrty but don let it control you!. I dont recommend talking to parents unless they are understanding, cause they will freak and give you a guilt trip!. If you can joiin a support group that would be good!. Good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

talk to your parents!.!.!.if that is out of the question, maybe a school cousellor or you can call drug & alcohol helplines!.!.!.plz get help you have the rest of your life ahead of you dont let this get in your way and keep the good freinds that want to help you and let them give you support and stop hanging around the other ones bcuz wen you hit rock bottom their not going to be there to pick you upWww@FoodAQ@Com

You need some professional help!. I was there when I was your age!. It seems like the only thing to do, but life is so much better when sober!. things are so much more real!. I would consult an intervention group or aa, or even a psychiatrist!. Nip this in the bud, before it gets out of control!. also don't worry about your parents!. I was worried to, but they were every supportive when they found out how serious the problem was!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you do have an addiction , realising this is the first step!. also you don't want to live the rest of your life as a Drugo, now it isn't easy to give an addiction up!. so get some help, if you cant talk to your parents then find someone you can talk to!. good luck ,you can do it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

just your will power can help you nothing else!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your an addict if your on here asking people if your an addict, don't self deny, quit the ****, stay away from ur drug fiend friends for a couple month's, get into video games and become a nerd for a month or so untill u dont need to have anything, I smoke weed everyday, i wont even quit it, its natural and good for you (in my opinion) but other drugs are bad for you, stick with the naturals and home grown, stay away from chemicals and cocaine :D!.
Don't become a crack head or maybe I will see you one day asking to blow me for a 5$ crack hit like i see others :)!.


Hey men i know what you mean I'm 16 also and for some time i have been drinking a lot and i smoke a lot of cigg's also but one day at a party i was sitting down that night i had lost the girl i really loved and i thought to my self!.!.!.Is this what she would of wanted of me!?to spend my hole life drinking and doing drugs!?Then it was clear for me from that night on i had quit smoking pot and doing drugs!.it has been around 9 months from that night!.And now i feel in control some times at party's i have some to drink and i still smoke ciggs!. But not like befor!.So i say to you my friend set a goul for your self !.End thacrappypy way of life!.Think of althoushs who really care about you!.If you die because of drugs,it's not just you dieing!.All the people who love you die also!.Think of that!.And i would like you to have my e-mail and tell me how it go's ,tell me if you could make your goul or not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no one ever says "i want to be a junkie when i grow up"
but if your only 16 and are using like you describe, there is only one option, it will be tough, find something else to do!. spend your money on something productive, stop hangin around other users and don't go to parties, buy a paintball gun and find some other paintballer in the area and the longer you don't live the users life the easier it will be to not think about it all the time and QUIT SMOKING CIGS!. thats gotta be the hardest thing to do, but your young and should be a bit easier, the other option is to stop using, but still go to parties and hang with the same friends, BUT IT WON'T WORK, it might seem to work for a month or two but then you'll want to have that high feeling "just one more time and that'll be it" but remember you didn't become a junkie over night and you will end up the same way you are now or worseWww@FoodAQ@Com

ditch all that crap in your room!.!.!.NOW!
concentrate on other things in your life other than yourself mate or you will end up another horrible statistic,you need to occupy yourself better, there is a beautiful world out there and it becomes nothing if you don't experience it properly!.!.think how you would be feeling if you were looking at you best mate/sister/mum or dad doing this!.!.!.what would you think!?
my son is your age and the thought of him doing this is worrying to say the least
talk about this with someone who cares about you! you are not on your own!
live is short !.!.!.don't make it any shorter!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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