If someone has 11 shots a day?!
are they an alcoholic!? I've been debating with a girl friend of mine!. She has 6-13 shots a day; depending on the day but usually 11 in total!. She says she has 2 at lunch with a meal!. 1 when she get's out of work, 1 when she get's out of the gym, 1 when she's making dinner, 2 at dinner, and another 3 sporadically before bed!. She says it's fine because it's never to many at one time and that she never becomes buzzed or drunk!. I just think 11 is way to much for someone to drink a day even if they are spread apart!.
I'd like to have a better way of communicating with her how this can be detrimental to her health, but I'm not sure how!. Any suggestions or is it ok for her to have so many being spread out like that!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
I'd like to have a better way of communicating with her how this can be detrimental to her health, but I'm not sure how!. Any suggestions or is it ok for her to have so many being spread out like that!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Can you say denial!! She may not feel impared, but she is!. Two shots at lunch, she would be fired if her boss knew!. Get my point!? NO ONE will put up with that!. Its only a matter of time before she's caught!. If she has a car accident, it won't matter whose fault it is, she will be blamed!. She may not care about herself, but what about the rest of us!? I don't want to be driving with my kid and pass her on the road!. "It was only a couple beers" said Kevin Rickard when he drove "straight" on a curve, killing Paul Merry!. Paul was my brother's - brother in law, he was also engaged to my sister!. Everyone who knew him loved him!. He was one of my best friends, he said he'd be right back for my 21st birthday dinner, instead his " friend" Kevin drove over the railing!. It hit the tree so hard the car stuck in the tree, 10 feet in the air !.After the funeral he was cremated and his sister flew his ashes home to Bicester, England!. That's how he returned home!. Paul was sober!. Kevin said he only had a beer!. he was fine, of course he lived!.!.!.!.!. You know depending on your job, you could seriously hurt yourself or a co-worker!. Not only would she be fired, but she can face criminal charges AND the chances of finding another job will be slim to none! If you have or think you have to have a drink every day you have a problem, So yea, 11 shots a day every day, she's a drunk!. She's probably having twice that much, alcoholics never think they have a problem or that they've had too much, and they lie about how much they've had!. MY father is an alcoholic, and so was his dad!. My Family suffered, mentally, financially, & physically!. It does affect those around her!.Her problem will only get worse if she doesn't quit!.She probably needs help stopping!. She doesn't think its a problem, so yea she needs help!. So whats making her drink!? Has something happened in her life!? loss of family or friend!? Fired from a job!? Bad break up!? Abuse!? Low self worth!? Or, she could just like to party and now she can't stop!. How close are you!? Do you know the answers to any of these questions!? Does she value your opinion!? Show her these responces!. Go to a Doctor's office or Health Dept!. They will give you pamplets on alcohol abuse, the damage it does to your body, your life, your family & friends, co-workers, etc!. They can also get you into contact with support groups, there are even groups for you!. They can help you to deal and to get her help!. Another place to look is the yellow pages under " Abuse Services and Programs" and " Alcohol Information and Treatment" & Alcoholics Anon!. and Chrsis Intervention Services!. God Bless and Good Luck!. I'm here if you need me!. We can IM or I'll even give you my phone number!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
depends on what she's doing shots of!. If it's like everyone is assuming (base alcohol such as teq, whiskey, etc!.), then yes, she has a bad drinking problem and is probably damaging her body!. If she's doing shots of beer or wine coolers, then she's doing it for attention and has a different problem altogether!. Either way, she needs some help and if you are her friend, you need to provide that in some way!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, your friend is an alcoholic! Anyone who needs a shot of alcohol every few hours to make it thru the day has formed a habit to keep comfortably numb, but never falling down drunk!.
They have said for years that a glass of red wine is good for the heart, but having two or more wipes out any good you were getting and actually causes ill effects!.
They have said for years that a glass of red wine is good for the heart, but having two or more wipes out any good you were getting and actually causes ill effects!.
if she is truly having that many drinks you may not have too much longer to have this arguement with her!. BTW, does her boss know she is drinking during work hours!. That alone is a problem!. The human liver cannot proccess that amount of alcohol either!. One more thing, the first sign of an alcoholic is a person who insists that they are not and/or gives reasons or examples proving why they are not!. Good luck with your friend, I hope she is around for a long, long time for much better topics of debate that this!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yes, she is definitely an alcoholic!. Sounds like she has a real problem, and even if she's not feeling the effects now, her Liver sure is! Try to keep talking to her about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
That's 77 drinks in a week!. The healthy amount is 9 drinks a week!. Even if she's not an alcoholic in the addiction sense she's still damaging her liver!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
well, i say if she HAS to have those 11 shots of liqour every day she is an alcoholic!.!.!.!.!.alcoholism is only a valid diagnosis if she feels that she cant cope without those 11 shots daily!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
sounds like shes using alchohol to not deal with reality!. that is alot to do especially when your're not partying and you are just going about your everyday routine!.send her to rehab!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
no she's fine just leave her drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Uh, yeah!.!.!. she's got a problem!. If she really thought nothing was wrong she wouldn't even debate it with you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Is she suicidal!? If not, she's definitely on her way there!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
listen, u tell her to stop being a fiend and don't be stupidWww@FoodAQ@Com
She is definitely heading down the wrong road!. She probably "thinks" that this makes her a better person (only to herself)!. I would not debate with her!. I would tell her flat out that it is NOT healthy and if she is young now it will age her faster as well as ruin her liver and mental capacity later in life!. I know b/c I have seen this in two other very good friends over the course of 35 years!. If you cannot convince her, accept it yourself that only she can change herself!. Don;t let yourself get convinced to get sucked into this habit!. You may need to find another friend with healthier activities!. Www@FoodAQ@Com