Men, your favorite beer?!

Question: Men, your favorite beer!?
My best guy friend's 21th birthday is next Saturday and as part of his present I wanted to get him either a few six-packs of some non-shitty beer and a handle of something!. I know he likes Sierra Nevada, Sweetwater (420 Extra Pale Ale, Hummer), Samuel Adams!.!.!.and more that I don't remember!. As for liquor, he's into whiskey, like Maker's Mark!.

Any suggestions!? Ladies, too, if you like your bers! Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm not sure if it's sold where you live, but if you can find it I would highly recommend a variety of Leinenkugel's beers!. If he enjoys the various varieties of Sam Adams, he should like Leinies!. My personal favorites are Honey Weiss, Sunset Wheat, and Summer Shandy (although the Summer Shandy is probably out of production at the moment since it's a summer seasonal beer)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Go to a store that sells them individually (Andersons where I live) and get a nice variety of imports and micro brews (there are a thousand great ones) and arrange them in a basket with a couple of cool beer mugs and a book like the beer drinkers bible!

Whitbread, Mackeson, Newcastle, Becks, Great lakes, goose island, peroni, morreti, warsteiner (they just made an orange beer that tastes just like orange hi-c!!) stella artois, pete's wicked, skull splitter, rogue dead guy, chimay blue or red, and lindeman's frambois taste like raspberry sparkling wine so it is very different but good!. These are some of my favorites for various flavor reasons but all great choices!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


BECK'S !!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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