Should it really take this much to get me drunk?!

Question: Should it really take this much to get me drunk!?
i am 14 (dont criticize) and i have never been drunk!. this is a question i have from curiosity, k!?

however, one time i had:
two straight tequila shots,
3 mixed drinks (orange juice and rum)
and i had a beer!.

i felt NOTHING!. i stopped cuz i felt bad for drinking all of the stuff lol!.
i am about 120 pounds and about 5'7, should it really take this much!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, it shouldn't!. But it would depend on the amount of alcohol in the shots/mixed drinks and how much time passed between each drink!. 1 oz of alcohol metabolizes in about an hour!.

also, if you ate alot beforehand you may have a delayed response as it will be more difficult for the alcohol to absorb!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sorry, but I don't think it's possible for a 14yo person to drink 6 alcoholic drinks and not feel anything!. Maybe the so called tequila shots were something non-alcoholic as well as the rum in the oj & rum - there is just no way you would feel nothing - I am also 5'7 and just 2 glasses of wine makes me drunk!. Maybe you don't know what feeling drunk is!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

alcohol is very strange it shuts down inhibbitors in your brain so you dont think its affecting you and then most people drink more, its very addicting i know a party got ruined because people diddnt think it affected them, they were around 13 !. !. !. !. jsyk i wasnt involved in that partyWww@FoodAQ@Com

uh no it shouldnt
im 15, about the same height and weight!.
and i drink alot!. like, sadly, i drink whenever i can
so no it shouldnt
especially with tequila, if should only take max 2 shots!.
so including all that other stuff!.
noo!. its wierd man!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You know Joe, if I said what i want to say or felt, I would be reported to the yahoo community guidelines committee!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

No thank you, I will leave you to some of the others!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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