What ratio of juice to Everclear in jungle juice?!

Question: What ratio of juice to Everclear in jungle juice!?
I plan on making a batch of jungle juice for a smaller party and can't figure out how much juice I should have in comparison to everclear!. I DON'T WANT A RECIPE, just a ratio!. And please don't give me that link everyone else is giving!. If you must resort to units, please don't jump from liters to gallons to bottles to fifths to handles to ounces!. I already know what I want in my jungle juice, I just don't know in what ratio!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

4 parts juice, I part booze!. If you have sissies at the party, get some sprite or ginger ale for them to dilute their personal drinks further!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm headed down to the lake this weekend with about 8 other people!. Everyone around here knows that a lakeside gathering mandates that the gatherers do some serious drinking!. Longing for my past college days, I've decided to whip up a batch of jungle juice using stuff I already had in the liquor cabinet!.

So far, I'm going to add:
750ml (one fifth) Everclear
750ml Bacardi pre-mixed Bahama Mama (10% alcohol)
1 gallon store brand fruit punch
A little bit of grape Kool-aidWww@FoodAQ@Com

Beats me dude !.!. I drink my Everclear straight upWww@FoodAQ@Com

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