Want to hear your most memorable experience while intoxicated?!

Question: Want to hear your most memorable experience while intoxicated!?
Doing a study paper on the effects of alcohol!. Appreciate your sharing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I can't remember most of the truly "memorable" experiences, but I do recall throwing up at my own wedding (can't remember the wedding night), sleeping with people I barely knew, and running naked into the home of a total stranger!. I've also been told that I passed out cold in front of the bride's mother at a wedding, jumped onto a table in the middle of a bar and offered to "compare ****" with any woman in the room, and made a pass at my boyfriend's brother!.

Ummmm!.!.!.!.that's why I don't drink anymore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Intoxication is the state of being affected by one or more psychoactive drugs!. It can also refer to the effects caused by the ingestion of poison or by the overconsumption of normally harmless substances!.

Some types of intoxication:

Drunkenness (alcohol intoxication)
Caffeine intoxication
Cannabis intoxication
Heroin intoxication
Water intoxication
Intoxication can cause a state of mind that remains once the person is no longer intoxicated that can be used as a legal defense:

Settled insanityWww@FoodAQ@Com

When I first started drinking, my husband and I had a lot of people over, including his brother and his girlfriend, who were staying over on our sofa couch!. After everyone left and we went to bed, I got up to turn up the air conditioner- the thermostat was located in the living room!. I went in there against my husband's warning and started to change the temp, without even realizing that I was in some of skimpiest lingerie!. He was right behind me to cover me up but I was so drunk I was insisting on staying in the living room to talk!. It was definitely memorable!.!.!. unfortunately for them more so than me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

was 16 and living in Paris!. One day my buddy and I cut school and bought a bottle of gin and some Orangina, and we took these down to the park on the Ile aux Cygnes where we mixed and drank it all!. Really fast!. We made up this game where we'd walk ten paces one way, then back to the bottle and take a swig!. We figured if we were walking around it would make the alcohol act more quickly!. Brilliant, right!? After this I was completely trashed, though friend wasn't so bad off!. We started walking back toward the Metro (subway), and I was staggering all over the place!. One of the soles of my shoes tore half away, and I kept tripping over it, and falling all over the place!. I was covered in filth and bruises!. Anyway, at one point my friend says to himself, "we're not going to make it," and he tries to go call a cab!. I flopped across the hood of a parked car while he was in the phone box!. We were right up the street from some small official building, and there was a cop standing guard outside!. He was wearing some sort of fancy French cop dress uniform, and he was telling us that he was going to have me taken in!. My friend kept saying, "please, you know, he lives just up the street, let me take him home!." This wasn't true, of course, but at that moment I began vomitting all over the place!. I have a clear, dreadful memory of the orange liquid splattering all over the cop's white patent leather shoes!. He just looked at us with an expression of extreme contempt, told my friend to get me out of there, and marched off to clean his shoes!. Only in France!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I was a teenager, parents went out of town, had boyfriend over, drank Lancers red wine!. First I recall waking up from a fall in the kitchen floor and my head hurt from the fall!. Then I went to the bathroom and managed to sit BETWEEN the toilet and the bathtub instead of on the toilet seat!. I left the door open without the light on!. I wish I could say I peed on the floor but I pooped on the floor, the rugs under me!. He came down the hall asking if I was allright and I sure didn't want him in there or to turn on the light!. What a night!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

At a party about 5 years ago, I woke up , or should I say "came to" in a large hall closet with people talking to me and a strange, shining blue bird with long tail feathers (some kind of pheasant) bobbing around at their feet!.
In my drunken stupor, I could not process the fact that this bird was real since it didn't seem the slightest bit nervous even though there were about 45 people in the house!. It just weaved and bobbed around people's feet!. I kept raving like a fool and asking people if they had seen the blue bird!. Apparently it was nothing to them, but to me!.!.!. oh man, it blew my mind!
On the way out the door I saw the bird again, this time perched upon the head of the owner of the house's dog!. The dog was sleeping soundly, and so was the bird, right on top of the dog!. Creepy!.!.!.!. but !.!. yeah, it was a good time up to that point!! HahaWww@FoodAQ@Com

Really!? They aren't all that "memorable"

I had to drive home,!. There was no way my "hosts" were going to let me sleep it off and no one else was willing to go with me (they were all equally tanked) and i couldn't realy sleep in my car!.

Now, to my advantage, it was late (1:30 am), I was only going six miles home, and I was driving on deserted surface streets!.

yes, I know for a fact that it was stupid, stupid, stupid and even though I knew I was impared, I still had to try it!.

I got it up to 30 miles (speed on the road and i was constantly checking myself!. am I in the lane!? Am I aware of the shoulders and the curbs!? Are there any other cars ANYWHERE!?

The tricky part was going through town, but the lights were all green and I maintained the speed limit!. Once out of town, the rest of the way was easier, as it was really deserted roads!.

I made it home, but i swore NEVER to do that againWww@FoodAQ@Com

Someone peed in my bed and I laid down to go to sleep and I was lying in someone elses pee!. So I stripped all my clothes off and walked through the party with no clothes on, not realizing something was wrong with that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

first time I got drunk I said the line "It's on your shirt"!.!.!.but the way I said it was SOOO funny!.

I have an audio recording of it on my desktop!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I saw the filming scene of the Sopranos in NJ!. I was "Asked" to leave though because I was very drunk!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I really can't tell you cause I was drunk at the time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's a little graphic!.!.!.

I was gettin' some head and then they threw up on me >_>;Www@FoodAQ@Com

My friend banged a hobo!.

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