What happens if you drink alcohol while extremely dehydrated?!

Question: What happens if you drink alcohol while extremely dehydrated!?
A couple times now I have gotten REALLY REALLY drunk off a small amount of drinks that normally only get me tipsy!.!.!.

could this be happening because I'm dehydrated!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you are dehydrated your blood is thicker as there is less water to dilute it!. which means there will be a decrease in the amount of blood in you this means when you drink alcohol when it gets into your blood stream there is a higher percentage of alcohol in your blood than if you were well hydrated!.
Your stomache works on a diffusion principle!. where the higher the concentration of somthing in your stomach the quicker it passes into your blood stream!. so if you have no liquid or food in your stomach and drink alcohol it will diffuse far quicker into your blood stream!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's more likely you didn't eat enough before it because the food absorbs alcohol and you don't get drunk as fast!. But if you're dehydrated and you keep drinking your gunna puke!.!.!. and feel awful the next day!. Doesn't hurt to pound some water in between beers to make sure you're hydrated, and it'll reduce your hangover!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not sure about if it makes you drunker quicker, but alcohol is a culprit in being dehydrated!. So if you're already dehydrated and you're drinking alcohol, you could get very ill and end up in the hospital!. You have to drink lots of water!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, it could!. Drinking alcohol draws water out of your system!. If you are already dehydrated, more alcohol will only make it worse!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you get drunk faster and with more severityWww@FoodAQ@Com

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