Help me make Long Island Tea...?!

Question: Help me make Long Island Tea!.!.!.!?
Ok I need some help with making Long Island Tea and also any other mixed drinks that are great!.!.!. My birthday is this coming weekend!


Long Island Iced Tea is a great choice - here's the recipe:

Start by filling a tall glass with ice!. Next, add

1/2 oz of Vodka
1/2 oz of Gin
1/2 oz of Rum
1/2 oz of Tequila
1/2 oz of Triple Sec
1 oz of Sour Mix

Top it off with your favorite Cola (mine is Coke!) and garnish with a slice of Lemon for a finishing touch!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


You need a pint glass filled to the top with ice, add:
one oz each:
clear rum
triple sec
fill remainder of glass with cola
top with a squeeze of lemon or lime

Other drink recipes can be found online atWww@FoodAQ@Com


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