New Shirley Temple commerical?!
Theres a commercial that's advertising videos of Shirley Temple restored and with color & i'm not intrested in buying the dvds but during the commerical there was a poster of her with a blue background and i think shes wearing a red polka dot dress. I thought that the poster is rather nice but i can't really find it. A link to a website or youtube vid would be helpful. Thank you :)
I'm not sure if this is the commercial you saw or not, but I didn't see a poster on it. It's possible that the poster you saw was just made for the commercial and not available for sale. You can try to email Legend Films, they are the only ones producing the Shirley DVD's as far as I'm aware of. I have emailed them in the past and they were very nice and got back to me with the info I needed at the time.…
see also