How drunk will I be with Bacardi 151?!
You'll pass out and be fall over drunk!
lol! You're my height and size when I did shots of 151 for the first time. I only did 4 shots within 15 minutes or so, and I threw up, quite a few times. After years of drinking I could probably do this, but It would still get me pretty wasted.
Drinking that much in such a short time is never a good idea, but if you have to ask you're definitely not ready.
Probably enough to end up in the ER, and then later possibly in court b/c of your age.
Very drunk that's some hard stuff. Even after one shot you feel it. I would space it out some.
you are not gonna feel feelings. thats for sure. you are gonna have some night that you prob wont remember
You may collapse.
Oh Sh*t! Sounds likea good time! Haha
You'll be sh*t faced.