Why didn't I have a hangover?!
Some people can just handle alcohol well.
as mac said some people handel alcohol really well, and just because of that you will not always get a hangover, be glad you dont they are bloody painfull and a punishment for drinking it dong in the first place, if you do handel alcohol well, enjoy it and don't feel as though u dont fit in because you didnt get a hangover, just be who you are and have fun
and for a hangover you have to drink a lot and by a lot atleast several shots, however i repeat, don't be excited for a hangover, imagine it as a migraine they are similar
It sound like you didn't really get drunk
to get a hangover you usually have to be more then a little bit buzzed
BTW hangovers suck. they make me never want to drink again....or at least until next week.
you weren't drunk cause you hardly drank anything. to get a hangover you need to be drunk. why do it? its NOT fun