Alcohol that goes good with kool aid/iced tea?!
i have one of those kool-aid pitchers (looks like the kool-aid man) and was gonna use it tonight when i drink. the alcohol i have on me is vodka and jack. if i have to buy something else i will but is there anything good i could mix with normal red kool-aid?
with the red kool-aid i would say use the vodka. if you wanna mix jack, then get some coke or dr. pepper or something. i personally don't mix my whiskey with anything, but that's just my drunk irish self.
For kool-aid I would go with vodka or everclear if ya really wanted to get f*cked up.
Raspberry vodka is ok with tea. I agree with the other guy re: cool aid. Everclear+ look aid will mess u up.
the vodka is your best bet, it goes with pretty much anything, trust me I know! LOL