Had alcohol for the first time and it did NOT affect me at all. WHY!?!
I'm 26 years old and had never even touched alcohol until 3 days back. My friend advised me to start with Bacardi Breezer. It didn't do anything to me at all. Then I tried Absolute Raspberry Vodka. Had 7-8 pegs but still didn't get the buzz. I had 3 pegs of Smirn Off and went to bed. I drank for about 4-5 hours - nice and slow. When I woke up, I had a slight headache which went away within 30 minutes of popping an aspin.
I need to know WHY alcohol wouldn't affect me? I didn't even feel the buzz, let alone get drunk.
The following day, I went to a bar and had 4 pegs of Dry Gin. No effect again. Tried a shot of Tequila since I had always heard it gives you a burning sensation however, very unfortunately, it only made my face hot. There was no sensation.
I do not have illness or diseases. My heart rate and cholestrol etc., everything is fine. I have done hash in the past but that was way back in the past and never beyond limits, in fact I smoked hash for 2 months in my life and within reasonable limits. I go to the gym on-and-off as well. My diet is okay. I'm 5' 10" and weigh 71 kgs. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Please help. Pfff.
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A peg is a very uncommon and outdated term used in alcohol. Large peg is 60 ml & Small is 30 ml generally. In Switzerland, when I saw the card, it was 2 cl for small & 4 cl for large, equivalent to 20 ml & 40 ml.
You state that "Had 7-8 pegs but still didn't get the buzz," the fact is you were buzzed and so much so that you did not notice it.
"I need to know WHY alcohol wouldn't affect me?"
It did as you say here, "I had a slight headache which went away within 30 minutes of popping an aspin."
When I am taking in small pegs slowly, I can handle up to 210 ml without loosing control. I can self drive also. Beyond that it will be safer not to drive. But if consumption is in large pegs and in gulp, even 150 ml can make one to loose control for some time.
But I have seen people who loose control in 90 ml and also seen people who have not lost control even in 300 ml. So it depends on person. Again the mood at the time of consumption will make some change in quantum.
The fact is no one has no effect from alcohol. If you think you don't feel it you need to be careful because those are the people that end up drinking far too much when it catches up with them. Just be smart and drink one drink an hour. So you are okay.
You may just have a high tolerance for alcohol. Just be happy your not a light weight. Also. You MAY not even realize your drunk when you are, who knows. And if that isn't the case. Good way to make extra cash. Drinking bets/games...... You get the picture :)
drink 15 bears you'll feel something or take 12 shots