Transport Full Keg in Car?!
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Absolutely. You can put it in the trunk, backseat, front seat, doesnt matter. Also if its in the front or back seat you can sit it strait up and you wont have to strap it in. The weight of itself will keep it in place. Have fun.
Of course. They get the kegs to the bars, don't they, in big bumpy trucks? Since it sounds like you'll be tapping it yourself, I'd let it sit and settle for as long as you can (few hours) before diving in.
YUP! Just remember to put it in the front seat and draw a face on it pointing out at the cars that pull up. Also get ice and a bucket.
if it will fit , why not? are you worried about it leaking/bursting? not unless you damage the seal ( bung)
Of course! Strap it in with seat belt (safety) behind passenger seat and go.