I want to stop drinking alcohol, but everyone I know won't take no for an answer?!
I also have been having some health issues lately, major stress, and I feel cutting out alcohol completely would help in that department. Here's the problem, I'm 22. All my friends drink. They go out every weekend, which is fine, but they always want to get smashed. I used to be like that, but I don't want to anymore. When I say no I'm not drinking, I get harassed, made fun of, and pressured into drinking.
Not sure what to do anymore. I could get rid of my friends, but then I would have none!
When I was 25, my best friend and I "broke up" because I didn't want to go out to the bar every night. It took us about 2 years, but we're still the best of friends (as we've been friends since we were 7).
Sometimes in life you take a different path than your friends. The true friends will be there for you whether you're drinking or not.
If you don't want to drink, stand your ground. You can go out, but just have a soda instead.
Also, - perhaps there's a reason you feel sick with alcohol. Have you talked to a doctor about it. I've had friends that have been allergic to hops and other alcohols.
Lastly, if you're stressed, don't USE alcohol to overcome it. It'll never help out and you'll end up hurting yourself and others one way or another.
Been there in more ways than one.
if u want to quit i appreciate u fr ur decision.if u r nt an athiest pray to god to giv the power to oercm ths.i knw seein my ans. ppl like ur frnds may tease me bt my opinion is dnt spoil ur health n futre
if ur frnds tempt jst tell thm sm excuses bt dnt lose frndship
god bless ye
my friends
stand your ground - your friends will follow soon enough - alcohol is not necessary to have good honest fun!! - another suggestion bring your own non-alcoholic drinks - good luck
Why don'y you just tell your friends why you don't want to drink? Like you did right here. And you don't have to go out with them.
Then just keep drinking. Don't be a quitter. I would pressure you, too, because at your age you should be getting drunk every night