How do you make moonshine?!
First you need to make alcohol. Basically a solution of grain, water and yeast let to sit until the yeast turns the sugars into alcohol. Then you will have a solution that is 10% - 15% alcohol. To get the alcohol concentrated, you need to distill it. Basically boil the solution at a low temp (alcohol boils before water). When you boil it, you collect the steam in a tube, let it cool and drip into a container.
That is the 20,000 foot explanation
mostly made from corn
you ferment it and then heat it and then collect the distillate
alcohol boils at a different temp from water so you can get it stronger that way
what I know but hopefully not enough for anyone to try it
as its illegal, we can't tell you on a service like yahoo answers... as discussion would be against yahoo answers terms of use
that being said, i can tell you to go to a website, like to get the proper information
Al Capon and Some of da boys will round to see yar later.
If yor tinking of muscling in on his racket change yer mind!
or you will be going for a ride!
He plays a pretty tune on his chicago piano ratatatat.
moonshine is any illegaly produced alcohol, altho most countrys allow homebrewing today.
Look it up on you-tube.
They have plenty of videos on it.