Party this weekend, which substance sounds best?!
I can choose between alcohol or marijuana, or a combination of both (please choose an order, because I know from experience that the order of consumption changes the effects greatly).
It will be a dance oriented party, and I definitely wanna get on the dancefloor, possibly act like a jackass.
It will be a dance oriented party, and I definitely wanna get on the dancefloor, possibly act like a jackass.
start with smoking if you wanna dance and when ur buzz hits the peak and starts to dull down then hit the booz
Yes dance party always go for some high spirit alcohols.
Visit the below cellar and choose your brand
ECSTACY! Especially if you want a dance oriented party!.. Definitely alcohol for dance party.. weed is more for chillin with friends
Dude if its a dance party get some rolls
you need MDMA