can alchol make you feel sick for days and give u panic attacks?!
When you drink, the alcohol slows your blood flow, and a few other things. Serotonin is depleted after drinking, and the amount that is depleted depends on the amount you drink, as well as how well serotonin levels were before drinking. You might feel a little depressed after a night of drinking, which can leave you feeling anxious. Depression and anxiety correlate and cause each other, it's not a fun cycle to be caught in. Not everyone has such intense symptoms after drinking, but at the same time everyone is different. Bad things can also happen if alcohol mixes with certain medications, so be sure to research any medications you may be taking to see how you can drink, if at all.
I recommend drinking LOTS and lots of water, and keep eating. The more you nourish your body and allow it to heal, the faster these negative effects will go away.
do you remember all the giddy alcoholic fueled thoughts and feelings you had while drinking Sat. night?
Now that the alcohol is going out of the system, these horrible feelings come just as the good feelings came while drinking. Hot and cold perceptions, panic attacks and overall horrible feelings usually come for sometimes several days after a bad bout of drinking, that's why alcoholics just keep drinking to avoid these bad hangovers.
no, alcoholic effects are shorterm
likely either you have some issues completely unrelated to drinking, or someone possibly spiked your drink with something.