favourite alcholoic drink and party games????!
usually drink magners/cider, also like malibu, mango breezers, morgan spice........!
also any party/drinking games u no of and how to play, usually play some card drinking games and twister??
Different strokes for different folks, I always say. In other words, it depends on your guests. I like mixed drinks whenever the party is supposed to be more uninhibited and upbeat. But if you want it to stay more low-key (and not have people making trips to your restroom to vomit or risk breaking anything, etc.) I'd serve wine or champagne because people tend to drink them slower than, say, beers or shots.
As for drinking games, 'I've never" is sort of immature but it can be fun. You say something you've never done and if someone in the group has done it, they have to take a shot. You can also convert any board game to a drinking game by making the penalty for losing a playing piece (or something equivalent) to take a drink. My friends and I also used to play a naughty word game where we had to give someone a letter and they had 5 seconds to say a word related to sex that started with that letter, or they had to take a drink. Like "R" could be "riding", etc.
Good party game requires a key, a safety pin and a blindfold. A person of one sex is led out of the room and blindfolded. A person of the opposite sex pins the key somewhere on their person. The blindfolded person has to find the key. You would be amazed what a person will do when they are blindfolded.
myself being half irish, i prefer whiskey straight up. preferably jameson. but i love playing quarters, or waterfall or beer pong. chandeliers is also fun, as well as drunk driver. good luck with your party mate.
beerpong, flip cup, baseball, circle of death, good old POWER HOUR....
Jack daniels and beer pong great times