What Aromatics are good for a new pipe smoker?!
I recently tried an aromatic called "Holland House" although the people on tobaccoreviews.com said it was good, i found it stunk of cigarettes and had no flavour at all.
I'm looking for a blend that you can readily get in the UK (i don't have a tobacconist near where i live) has a nice room note, and has a good flavour and doesn't just taste of cigarettes.
The nice room note is fairly important, i want to be able to smell nice when i smoke my pipe instead of me and my house stinking of fags.
The flavour is very important and i'm looking for a sweet fruity sort of flavour.
But any aromatic tobacco that has a nice room note and a good flavour for a new pipe smoker would be well appreciated.
Macbarren Vanilla Cream would be an excellent aromatic pipe tobacco for you to get, and I would bet that you can get that in the UK, via mail order.
me, I smoke a pipe.
Amazing! You might try this places: http://www.amazon.com/Rare-Smoke-Ultimate-Guide-Collecting/dp/0931253101%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAISJDSS4FGFKOAYFQ%26tag%3Dyan006-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D0931253101