What alcoholic drink would you be willing to lose your family over?!
I lost my wife to alcohol and liver disease and gave up drinking for ever soon afterwards, no drink in the world is worth the suffering that's coming to you.
So you buy your daughter stuffed animals, Wow! you really are a great parent, you should get together with Kathy (Sarah) you'd make a great pair.
EDIT: Thinking about it Noctis I think you're right.
You seriously don't regret losing your family You DRUNK geezzz giving your daughter stuffed animals in going to fill her loss of a dad stuffed animals arn't giving her food or shelter and its certainly not going to pay for all the loss memories as a family you ruined my day becuz i herd of a person whodoesn'tt regret ruining a child's life!
there isn't a single drink i'd be willing to lose everything else I love over.
Some day you are going to regret this.
Why would you write something like this? This cant be real?
Go away.
This has to be fake...
There is no drink in the world, nor drug, nor anything that I would take over having my family.
Go troll some other forum.
Ill pray for you buddy..
Alize and Tequila rose mmm those girly drinks are soo good. I can't imagine a life without them I can't imagine a life where I can never drink anything alcoholic again that would suck :(. I'd rather die then live like that.