Don't you feel recovering alcoholics are missing out?!
I love living alone and not having to deal with others, no arguing, no problems. Clean when I want, and how I want. Not having to cook or clean for others. Love it.
No, I don't feel they are missing out. Giving up something that will eventually lead to chronic health problems in exchange for the love and respect of your family with the bonus of better health seems like a good deal to me. I doubt that on one's death bed they want to look at a bottle of wine instead of in the face/faces of one/ones you have loved and been loved by.
they are missing out on the black outs, arrests, family, and friends.
to each their own though, and if getting drunk is more important to you than so be it.
I stopped at proud and functioning
Good luck in later life!
You're pathetic. [8
I'm sorry, I hope this is a joke.