As a teenager is it ok to drink just once to see what its like?!
Drinking once is no way going to cause the end of the universe. Don't listen to all the people who are telling you it will ruin the rest of your life. I drink perhaps a couple of times a month and, at 16, I can say that it hasn't affected any aspect in my life, aside from a bit of drama over tipsy kisses. No offence or anything, but you're nearly 16 - I think you need to live a little. Get some alcohol, get tipsy, have a good time. You only live once and you're young. Make the most of it. However, if it's your first time I think you should stay away from stuff like Vodka as you probably wouldn't like it unless you mix it liberally with lemonade. Don't bother drink beer, though. It tastes terrible and is generally about 3-4% alcohol and therefore no where near enough for you to feel the effect until you've drunk a fair few :)
I think its important for teens to have the experience just once. It makes it less of a big deal to get drunk once you get to college. But make sure you control yourself. Alcohol can be very habit forming. Believe me, im drunk right now and Im 17, and I drink almost every time i get the chance. If you are depressed or stressed out at this point in time, don't get into it.
Anyway, if you do straight up shots, be ready to throw up or have a chaser handy. I like cheese cubes. It also helps to hold your nose when you take a shot. You can't taste whatever your taking a shot of (vodka or rum, i assume). If you put any kind of hard liquor in coke or orange juice, its hard to taste them to an extent. Lastly, burbon and Dr pepper tastes great.
If you want to get the smell of alcohol off your breath (im assuming you don't want your parents to know) eat something strong in flavor and smell. Garlicky foods are the best. some meat is good too.
well as we all know, alot of teenagers drink. I myself am 14 and have been drinking for 2 years. but i am and always have been a 90% or higher student and am heavily musical. the desicion is yours to make but keep in mind there is a possibility for consequences though not very severe. just keep a head on your shoulders, you should be fine
couple years of partying
I wouldn't!!! Because 1 sip can possibly send you on a downwards sprial, I have known a couple of people that have only tooken 1 sip and it caused problems that hurt them. I honestly don't think it's worth it. When you're 21 and old and mature enough to make that decision then that's fine, bue when your a teen I don't think it's risk of throwing your life away for a drink. Enjoy being a kid and teenager. But that's my personal opinion
i started trying alcohol when i was 15. and the taste was like hell! and now that i'm 18 and company of friends are inviting me to some drinking sessions, the hell-like taste is overpowered by the laughtrip and the pleasure of being with your friends. i think it's the enjoyment that really counts, at the end of the day.
Can you do it with your parents? Maybe have an honest talk with them instead of going behind their backs. In many cultures, young people are allowed modest amounts of wine, etc with their parents supervision.
Just do it and get it over with, you won't like the taste by the way
I dont think u should at all. It could ruin ur life cuz u could get addictex
not until ur 21, make sure parents are with u if u hav a little tho