Would you date someone that smokes (if you don't smoke yourself)?!
Just curious, thanks for your answers.
nope :\
tell him to stop
remember 2nd hand smoking?
I wouldn't, no. I used to smoke for a few years, but once you stop, you realize how nasty you used to smell all the time when you're around others that still do (you don't notice when you're a smoke because you're used to it). I believe in doing whatever you want, but I am too health-conscious now to date a smoker. I realize I used to do it for years, but it really is a disgusting habit and has become pretty much a social faux-pas these days.
It really comes down to why you do not smoke.
You always have the possibility of entering into the best relationship of your life. This girl excites you, it is plain to see, but you have to look beyond the thought of her companionship...You must honestly determine why you do not smoke.
One other thing, do not try to date this person thinking that she will change in the future, or that you can change her.
I have dated a guy who used to smoke, smoking should not be a problem if you maintain a distance when they are smoking otherwise you will become a passive smoker.
And dont worry its a very small thing once you are with her you will get used to the habit but make sure you dont start smoking.
I think... What if you guys got serious and ended up getting married or something? Smoking would cause terrible things and mess up having kids if you wanted them. It would badly effect both of your health. And cause her to have many health problems and die at an early age. It would be horrible. But if she seems to be willing to quit then.... yeah why not if you really like her why not try dating her. Good luck hope this helped :)
Yes and I have.If you like someone enough anything you don't like about them seems small and insignificant.