How do I hide 110 grand from my parents?!
your problem is solved. i will hold it for you. check your mail and we'll exchange addresses.
ok well since you have a hundred grand im sure you wouldn't mind buying wood.
This is what i did when i was 16 n i wanted to hide my money i tape all the money on the bottom of my dresser cus there was a gap then go buy a piece of wood and screw it in the bottom so u couldn't see it then if i ever had to dip into to it just unscrew it get a coup bills and screw it back in
what i did
What I doin with that kind of loot thing to do would b to het it invested in a long term cd or ira a financial planer will help with this but the government will ask questions with any thing over 10k or if u can't do that wrap it on several plastic bags with duct tape wrapped around it so its air tight and bury it under a marker or put it between the walls it in the attic under the isolation but u risk loosing it due to fire or theft
Under your mattress, a friends place, between books, behind shelves, top of a tall book case, behind a book case, in a bag hidden in your closet or under your bed, in the garage, disguise it. A PLACE WHERE NOBODY LOOKS.
Basically what I did to my report cards :L
You also don't have a LEGITIMATE 110 "grand" either.
This is another TROLL people, not even 18 here but here
has a child. The idiots are out again today!
sorry idon't no
Sorry sonny in your dreams!