What can I do? I don't like drinking water?!
You're getting lots of water from sources that you probably haven't even thought about. You can put lemon juice or lime juice, or both, into your water. Or you could drink any type of tea. Orange juice has lots of water in it too. Sugarfree Koolaid is mainly water. Watermelon is loaded with water. You get water from just about anything. It's even in your vegetables and fruits. Prepared rice and mashed potatoes have water in them. So, you don't have to just drink straight water all the time.
Plain iced tea (no sugar) is a perfectly fine substitute for water according to my doc, as long as you brew it yourself and not buy bottled iced teas. I drink it all day long, get my fluid, and don't break out at all. Acne can be caused by stress, hormones, and not taking off cosmetics, but not by drinking plain iced tea.
relax i never drink water and im fine lol i dont think thats why u getting acne or becoming fat i just drink juice, orange juice a lot.
Mix your water with crystal light. They have some good flavors and you can buy the ones with 0 calories.
Big Water drinker
drink flavored water.
you like to drink water....