What does it feel like to be drunk?!
you must be young. well being drunk is different for everyone. sometimes you can get angry and violent. <- violent people usually dont like to drink because it isnt safe for others. when you are violent though your mind tells you to be angry. you cant really feel much and your almost in a rage. your pupils become very diolated but you are still dizzy. another type of drunk is the most common drunk . funny drunk. funny drunks usually feel very dizzy and your reaction time is slowed by a lot for instence, when someone throws someting at you , you immediatly catch it, when you are drunk you most likely would not be able to catch it. and funny drunks tend to laugh quite a lot when they are drunk. and the last , most worse drunk is a paranoid drunk. being paranoid means that you are always scared of everything. someone will say something to you and you will automatically become scared. you still feel dizzy and slowed reaction time but your feelings are diffferent. everything will make you worried, if you have children and you are a paraniod drunk, you will always want to know where they are and want them home. thats the shortest way i can explain being drunk but theres a lot more to it. sometimes people drink to escape life because you can "blackout" which means you dont remember how something happend and you dont remember anything in the time you are drunk. Being drunk usually lasts about 5 or more hours and if you drink enough you will wake up with a hangover. trust me i have one right now and you willl not like it. hangoveres give you a splitting headache and nausea. DO NOT drink until you are of age, which is 21 years old. dont give in to peer pressure and wait untill 21. and when you are 21 always be responsible. do not go over 7 shots because then you may have to be hospitalized, hope this helped . sorry its so long!
drinking experiences
It feels awesome (the tipsy stage anyway) you feel like you're having a really good time, especially when you're with mates or at a party. If you drink waaay too much you can throw up and go through stages of not remembering things (I've done this - not that pleasant but still good memories!) with me I do think normally, but you basically have less inhibitions, so things you may not usually say can be said, and you don't tend to think of the consequences - that's why it can be dangerous!
Spirits you can drink for a while, but all of a sudden they kick in and suddenly you're rat arsed, beer/larger/bitter is pretty standard in that you can drink to moderation a lot easier.
It's kind of different for different people. Mainly a tired, dizzy, care free feeling, but if you drink too much you will get hyper and do crazy stuff you wouldn't normally do. I would not recommend drinking a lot your first time. and don't be afraid to experiment, as long as you take it slow and easy you will not be hit sudden by any strange feelings. Just gradually drink yourself into a state of drunktaneousness
Experienced drunk
it depends how drunk someone is.
check the link below for a good story example...
"what do you feel and what do you think"...I feel too much, and I think too little.
Just listen to Charlie Sheen.