How many drinks does a man have to drink per night for you to consider him an alcoholic?!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Many many drinks to be sure. That amount is whatever it is that would render a person unable to function in a normal and reasonable manner. If you/whomever is unable to function without alcohol and/or to function reasonably with it then alcoholism is an issue otherwise it is not
At least 6 but likely more.
Have a beer and enjoy the night.
**No Troll Zone**
They may not be an alcoholic but if its something they cannot do without - then they do have a problem. For me, its not the how many,but why.. if the person cant function w/o the alcohol or becomes a different person when they don't have it, then yes, they are an alcoholic, even at 1 drink.
No one has to have or do something in order to function. I drink coffee- if I don't have it, I'm not a different person or have a different attitude in the morning. I know this is not the same thing, but my point is I am not dependent on it and I don't have to have it..this is not the case with an alcoholic.
You have to has your self if he person is dependent on it. I think you already know the answer. the next step is to help the person get the treatment they need.
Hope this helps.
I'm just a human being that is sharing. that and I have 2 family members that I have grown up around that are recovering alcoholics.
Alcoholism is not about the number of drinks (but I will put a number on it at the end). Alcohol abuse (binge drinking) is about the number of drinks. Alcoholism is addiction to alcohol that interferes with physical or mental health, or with social or job responsibilities.
Addiction alone is not a problem. Most people who drink coffee are addicted to caffeine and drink it every day, but it does not interfere with their life.
Some of the symptoms of alcoholism include:
Abdominal pain
Drinking alone
Episodes of violence with drinking
Hostility when confronted about drinking
Lack of control over drinking -- being unable to stop or reduce alcohol intake
Making excuses to drink
Nausea and vomiting
Need for daily or regular alcohol use to function
Neglecting to eat
Not caring for physical appearance
Numbness and tingling
Secretive behavior to hide alcohol use
Shaking in the morning
The problem with alcohol addiction that is different from caffeine addiction is that alcohol is much more toxic to your system, and dependence builds more quickly. Someone who drinks three cups of coffee a day can stay at that level for a long time. Someone who drinks three beers regularly will quickly need more than three beers to get the same buzz, and even though alcohol gets them less drunk, it is still just as damaging to their system, so this escalation in dose is a problem.
I said I'd put a number on it. More than two drinks a day or more than one drink a day at least five times a week would certainly have negative effects on your health. Even if you could "stop at any time" and are not in danger over getting fired or divorce, that level of alcohol usage would be problematic just from a health standpoint. (Women metabolize alcohol differently than men; it isn't just about average differences in bodyweight.)
When two become three and three becomes four, you're poisoning your body faster, and you're increasing the chance that when you are in alcohol withdrawal the next morning, you will end up losing your job or your spouse.
2 drinks every day is considered the deffinition of an alcoholic.
Personally, I don't think its the amount (unless its fall down **** faced drunk every day) it's the fact that the person can't go without it for even a day.
Alcoholism is an addiction and the amount is not the determining factor, its need as in I really need a drink
Joe the Bartender
If everyday, 4 would be enough to consider someone an alcoholic.
I think it has more to do with his ability to function while drinking and to stop if he wanted to than how many. Good luck!
More than I have.
Actually, it's not how much or how often; it's if the person can go without it.