How come she didnt sell me alcohol?,? ?!
I think that the first lady was to lazy to do the math and because it was your birthday on that day, she thought that you were trying to fake it and did not want to make a sale. ......HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
When people ask to see your id, then this means that you look younger than the legal age. The first lady chose to believe her own eyes more than your id. And the second lady chose to believe your id.
When it comes to using judgment, not all people judge the same way.
She thought you looked younger than you were.
If that happens agin with the same lady, either you, or ask her to call the police. An officer will come, and be able to confirm your age and that your license and IDs are valid.
It is totally up to the seller to determine whether your ID is fake or not, you have to realize they get them all the time. So it's a gamble on their part , 'cause the fines are huge if caught selling alcohol to minors!! :)
because she was mad becus it was ur bday
she was racist
she was jealous
she didnt like you
she didnt want u in her store
i dont know go ask her lol ((:
Happy Belated Birthday. If a cashier believes that you are younger than you look, they obviously ask for ID. If they think that the ID is not Valid. That is there fault. They have the right to refuse service to anyone. Sad to say. I haven't been carded for alcohol since I was 16. That doesn't make it any better. Now I beg to be carded. So don't worry about one person refusing service. That is why there's a Circle K on about every other corner in the US.