How many beers is too many for first time?!
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I mean if you don't even want to feel the buzz then don't drink. Its like smoking weed and not wanting to get high. Listen I'm 16 and my first time I drank 10 12 beers and got drunk but not but face wasted. I would say drink till you feel the buzz till you get the hang of it!
1 for a first timer. but too much is about >5
Schitz is my favorite
MGD and Corona are good
But if you want something real nice try a Belguim beer such as Kasteel Beir, or The Reverand, but be careful with those because they have 3x as much alchohol.
1 or 2 for your first time, but space them out. It is easy to start drinking the second one before you feel the effect of the first one, and you won't learn anything that way :)
You will know the answer when you pass your dinner through your nose over the porcelain goddess. If you don't want to get buzzed, then don't drink booze..You were smart up until now,,why screw it up now..
I would start with 1-2 and see how you feel. Don't drink them too fast and eat something carby before drinking (like spaghetti or something with potatoes).
all beers is a bit much
Probably 2-3 and you'll be drunk. Maybe 4 if you drink them over 2-3 hours
Drink slow and cautiously. I'd say one and you're done.
Aight if u buy a lager or malt beer its going to have more alcohol in it. Im 19 but what i do is i start off drinking a beer, can or bottle, i prefer bottles, and i talk to who ever im drinking with or i drink one to three beer while im getting ready to go drink. I do that because if u start off and drink 3 beer really fast youll get dizzy and drunk rlly fast also sick sometimes. If you pre prep with a few beer before you do your actuall drinking youll be set. Youll know what pace you need to go and when you need to stop. If you exceed 10 after you "start" drinking your gona be "hammered-ish". Dont do a shot. Keep it simple
My trial and errors