Can you use white wine with Vinturi's Red Wine Aerator?!

Question: Can you use white wine with Vinturi's Red Wine Aerator?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You may do so but it is not a recommended practice. Red wines have an advantage and as is the purpose of the aerator, need to be aerated. There are tannic (a polyphenolic) compounds and proteins that provide a dry and sharp sensation that is unfavorable in higher threshold levels. The aerator introduces oxygen that helps neutralize these compounds making the wine smoother/rounder or as is often said, rounder in mouth-feel. White wine do not have [much lower levels] these compounds and so the acids are more perceived/ pronounced. Therefore the aerator is not necessary for the white wine. In addition the excess of oxygen in a white wine can contribute to it having a flat mouthfeel. It is better not to use it for white wine.

Sure you can. However, why would you want to. It is usually not necessary to aerate white wine and it is usually not aerated.


I am a wino.



But as the 1st answerer states, most white wines don't need aerating, and can in fact have the taste ruined by overdoing it

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