How can I remember alcoholic drinks?!

Question: How can I remember alcoholic drinks?
I recently got a job as a bartender, and I have trouble remembering all the drinks. I have S*x on the beach, long island ice tea, screw drivers and all the other easy ones down...but now how can I remember all the drinks?? Not being able to remember all the drinks has taken a toll on my job. I constantly need to be supervised and on busy night I don't even get to bartend but be a waiter.
So my question is, is there a easy way to remember drinkS?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I completely agree with his answer my mom was a bar tender when she was younger, and she went through the same problems. Most of the things are easy to make like a Kamikaze it just seems hard because there is a lot of stuff to mix write the recipes down and then study them, after that you should by the exact product you use in the bar then try to make the drinks with friends as help as if you were bar tending my mom did this and in about three days she had everything down.

It's just like memorizing anything else. Using flashcards and making the actual drinks over and over are the two best ways. I like the Rolodex idea, to have all the drink recipes at your fingertips. Rolodex now makes perforated sheets of Rolodex cards that you can put in your printer tray and use with your computer, so you don't have to hand-write everything.

Memorize two or three drinks a night until you know a fair share or just put a Rolodex of mixes under the bar to refer to. Tell your boss about the Rolodex idea. I know a girl that did that at the bar near me and now is head bartender since the Rolodex idea helped not only her but all the bartenders. Just might help.

Get coasters with the names of all the drinks. Offer new receipts to customers. Become an alcoholic.

Write down the recipes on flash cards, and commit them to memory.


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