On average how many beers does it take to get drunk?!
That's not a simple question. You have to take into account a lot of factors. Height, weight, body fat and muscle composition, stomach contents, heart rate, rate of consumption, body and climate temperature, gender, genetic predisposition and built tolerance to name a few. Not to mention your definition of drunk. Slightly inebriated, intoxicated, heavily impaired, etc.
There is no average, everyone is different.
Contrary to what many claim, height+weight are not the only factors in the equation.
You should wait until of legal drinking age, hopefully responsible and mature enough
to handle alcohol in a reasonable dosage rather than focusing on getting drunk.
Hangovers suck and Vomit smells bad.
And yes your parents / siblings / teachers / classmates / coworkers will know you've
been drinking, no matter what you do to try and cover up your breath / the scent.
Life experience
It depends on the person. I need 7-8 x500ml to get in a good mood. To get drunk with beer, you need definately 10+. Depending always on the mood and the company. With good company, drinking a box 20x500 is possible.
I am a 44 year old androgynous hairdresser who fancies wearing stained knickers. How many pork kebabs can I eat before I have explosive diarrhea?
It depends on the person and how much beer they can handle.
Depends on the persons tolerance, weight etc...for me personally, 6