Would I have gone to jail?!
I'll be brutally honest, you are both D**K HEADS. I have had 3 generations from the same family die from being hit by drunk drivers, getting put in jail is not the worst that could have happened. You could have been responsible for the taking of someones life.
Next time if your friend insists on driving while under the influence, I say stay behind! I am sure you will be able to sort some sort of lift out the next day, or even pay for a cab. A $100 cab fare is better on than a life!!
You definately would have been arrested, even if you could fake being sober, the cop would ask you why you let ur friend drive.
You're really lucky you didn't hurt yourselves or anyone, but I'm sure you know that. =)
jail or killed! you are lucky this time but you and your friend might not be next time. so don't drink and drive!
Yeah, y'all could of gotten pulled over and put in jail. But you're lucky. for THIS time.
Watch out next time