Hardcore alcohol suggestions?!
Ps. Don't worry about my age, that's for me and the cops to worry about. Underage drinking isn't hurting anyone if you don't drive and nobody at my party is allowed to drive home! They sleep over so if that'll help ya sleep at night then there ya go!
Sure, underage drinking is legal in most of the world, so long as there is parental accompaniment, but who is going to purchase the alchohol? If it is a person who is underage then that is a problem that extends to more than just you and the cops.
If you want REALLY hardcore alchohol, (you haven't said where you live so I will presume you are living in the USA) you should try Everclear. It is a drink banned in most of the states so you will have to have it secretly imported, but it is 75% alchohol (you can also get a 95% one in Texas) so a few licks will be one standard drink.
Otherwise if you search on the internet or the Anarchist's cookbook you might be able to find a safe way to distill the alchohol in methylated spirits and get 100% alchohol (i'd advise mixing it with some juice if you don't want to make your liver explode)
these arent "hardcore" but are fun
jaeger bombs are awesome...
get jaguer meister and an energy drink..(V, mother, monster, etc)
pour half a glass of energy drink and pour a shot of jaeger...drop the shot(inlc the shot glass)into glass..and skulll...
or make stacks of alcoholic jelly shots!!!
but with the hardcore stuff u can get bacardi 151 (i think this is what its called) this will make u plastered after 4 shots!!!!!!!!! haha
Bacardi shots, you'll be out in no time.
Y'know, weed works just as well ;D